Thanks again Don for the reply. LOL that is so funny, and yes, I know I am royally screwed. And screw the other beneficiaries too...some of them have been frothing at the mouth waiting for these people to die to get some of the pie.
After court for the child support issue, where ex and fil lied, my atty said, "Say what you will about you but you got SCREWED." Pretty much says HE sucked. Best part about that is that ex TOLD me to get an atty, "Get an atty, get a good atty, make sure you and the baby are taken care of, I want to do the right thing, my trust fund is my income." Then they LIED! In hindsight you can see it all, in the moment it's worse than GASLIGHT.
I have gone back and forth over the last few years trying to figure out if bil is just that cunning or wondering if he is smarter than a first grader. I think he is not that bright but he was well schooled in manipulation. I don't believe I was intimidated so much as I was trusting and so he played me.
Have I mentioned that 5 people including his mother had told me that bil is, tight, fiscally conservative, etc......except for himself and his collection of sports cars.
I have no doubt that something WAS put in writing because I was told I would be taken care of by someone who had nothing to gain or lose by saying so and was in the perfect position to know all about it. ( I still have belief that regardless of my inclusion or exclusion, that child should still be in, so wonder if that gives cause for a copy) What bil has done about it is the point.
I have put a few feelers out to attys re asking about getting a copy. I hit upon a firm I think would be perfect, litigating these situations is exactly what they do but don't know if they will be interested based on expense. I did read something about the cost can come from the estate or be contingent. Also read that "no contest" is narrowly construed and since I'm not named in the will I can't be offed for contest of that, and as you say, if will is invalid so is changed trust. I'd be all in for that. Sent an e-mail and somehow don't think they will respond so will probably have to pay for a consult.
I do know the name of the firm/atty that fil used ,at least for estate matters. He is one that signed off as to the mental state. But fil could and often was swayed/guided/instructed by bil to "get the right response" so fil would do whatever bil told him in the end, thus my concern. There is a note in the probate file about the signature of fil's 08 will being illegible which is normal considering the nature of his illness. I had seen bil get fil to "practice" his signature several times. I thought that as odd as bil already had poa over fil so why not sign for him? Perhaps that is the clincher.
I was cogitating on the mental state of fil and recalled an e-mail with bil. Mil, child, evil cousin, and myself went out for dinner. Cousin hit on the waiter all thru dinner. Even child said, "Why'd he do that, the waiter wasn't interested in him.?" LOl out of the mouths of babes.....So the check comes and evil cousin tips 30 on an 80 tab on mil's cc. Then slipped 20 of his own into the tab. Ick. So I discussed cousin's behavior with bil, not his place to throw around their money thou he often tried his best. Bil said he was aware of this type thing and something along the line of....."I'm dealing with things the way I think my parents would if they were of sound mind." This was about 2.5 years before fil passed. Think it could count, him saying he didn't think they were of sound mind ?
Don't know how that might hold up in court but I have MANY points where behavior of fil was not "normal" due to brain injury and drugs both. If these would have merit in court is another matter. He had periods where he was pretty much a zombie and he also had very lucid times where he was apparently himself and funny as all get out.
I want this to be an episode of Boston Legal where the good guys win. (that's me)
Wish I could just tell my story, they lied, they manipulated, blah blah. Their side, she taxied and chauffeured for us, she sat and held hands, and offered herself, so we used her all up, she cooked for us, that horrible Bi^%H!