Junior Member
What is the name of your state? Mn
Hello, I am hoping and praying that some one will be able to asist me with this matter and very important concern.
I will start from 3 months ago. 3 months ago, my 8 yr. old daughter came home with tears in her eyes saying that her teacher told her that she was disappointed in her art work. My daughter says that she was really doing the best that she could and that her hand was really hurting. The teacher told my daughter that she was disappointed in her work! To me, this isn't positive reenforcement at all! What works for another student does not work for them all. This type of feed back discourages my child. She needs to be reasurred that she is doing good work, or just by simply telling her that "you know that she can do better than this", and that you have seen better work. (maybe) Or I can see how hard you really tried on this project, next time I would like to see just a little bit better.
Children today need all of the positive reenforcement that they can get.
Prior to this, my child has come home telling me that the teacher treats her differently than other classmates. I sorta ignored this, yet kept it in the back of my mind. She would come home saying ,.. the teacher doesn't listen to me, and she listens to everyone else. Or, the teacher wont listen when I tell her some one is doing something wrong to others or her self. She calls me a teller tell.
I can understand that a teacher maybe really busy with all the things that they have to get done in one day and can not liten to all conplaints, however; all of my daughter's complaints has started to be dismissed. I have a very emotional, and loven daughter, who will give you her last, just like her Mom. She is a kid, just like others and they will be kids, this is a fact. Which is the very reason I try not to over react to things that she tells me, because some of the things; she will and have had to learn on her own. However; This is not one of them, that she will have to go through on her own!!! Mommy is now stepping up!!
It seems, every since I approached her teacher in a respectful manner, making my point concerning her form of positive reenfircement. ( *I am Disaaponited in your work) It seems that things has become worst for my daughter. Tonight before bed, she told me that the teacher pushed her because she was waiting for others to move before she was able to move. She gave an example by using myself for an example of how hard of a push it was. Well, I must say that...too me it wasn't that hard. But the fact remain, she feels that it was a push to her. Why would she feel this why????
Last week my daughter for the first time, told one of the teachers... no!!! she was not going into the quite room, and she didnt care what she said! (Her and another child kicked each other, and it was proven that the girl kicked first) I do not condone direspect in no form, and my daughter hasnever behave in this manner; in fact it was rather shocking to the teachers as well.
Yet... why is it now, that everyone wants to focus on the bad that she has done, and penalize her. I understand that she should be punished, in fact I punished her my self at home! But they,make me feel like whats the big fuss about??? No one listens to her complaints, yet they want for their complaints to be heard. I want to snatch my child out of this school. Even the children are cruel, although all chiuldren can be cruel, nothing is reenforced about their behavior, or not as firm as they are when the kids do something out of the ordinary.
Please please help, My child only have me. I am a single Mom doing the best that I can to raise my child in a respectful, nonviolent, or verbal manner. I am trying my best not to lose my Kool! But what I seem is Bias behavior boiling. This behavior is displayed in many forms, here in Mn, and I would not suggest any one of The African American Race to reside here. We have been here for 7 yrs. And I have seen and experienced it first hand, and it isnt a good feeling at all. And they all stick together on matters of such. They will call me crazy when I go to the school telling them what I feel and believe to be true.
It has to be something because it is consistent, and ongoing for her. My daughter is Miserable and she knows nothing of discrimination because the meaning is not taught at schools, and I have not taught it at home. It is a shame when it comes to having to do so.. (Teach Kids How to acknowlege when they are being discriminated against) Help!!!
Loving Mom, who wants nothing but the best for all children and adults. I LOVE MY BABIES, and I teach her/them; right from wrong. I do not in any way, reward negative behavior. Respect can take you a long way in life.
Hello, I am hoping and praying that some one will be able to asist me with this matter and very important concern.
I will start from 3 months ago. 3 months ago, my 8 yr. old daughter came home with tears in her eyes saying that her teacher told her that she was disappointed in her art work. My daughter says that she was really doing the best that she could and that her hand was really hurting. The teacher told my daughter that she was disappointed in her work! To me, this isn't positive reenforcement at all! What works for another student does not work for them all. This type of feed back discourages my child. She needs to be reasurred that she is doing good work, or just by simply telling her that "you know that she can do better than this", and that you have seen better work. (maybe) Or I can see how hard you really tried on this project, next time I would like to see just a little bit better.
Children today need all of the positive reenforcement that they can get.
Prior to this, my child has come home telling me that the teacher treats her differently than other classmates. I sorta ignored this, yet kept it in the back of my mind. She would come home saying ,.. the teacher doesn't listen to me, and she listens to everyone else. Or, the teacher wont listen when I tell her some one is doing something wrong to others or her self. She calls me a teller tell.
I can understand that a teacher maybe really busy with all the things that they have to get done in one day and can not liten to all conplaints, however; all of my daughter's complaints has started to be dismissed. I have a very emotional, and loven daughter, who will give you her last, just like her Mom. She is a kid, just like others and they will be kids, this is a fact. Which is the very reason I try not to over react to things that she tells me, because some of the things; she will and have had to learn on her own. However; This is not one of them, that she will have to go through on her own!!! Mommy is now stepping up!!
It seems, every since I approached her teacher in a respectful manner, making my point concerning her form of positive reenfircement. ( *I am Disaaponited in your work) It seems that things has become worst for my daughter. Tonight before bed, she told me that the teacher pushed her because she was waiting for others to move before she was able to move. She gave an example by using myself for an example of how hard of a push it was. Well, I must say that...too me it wasn't that hard. But the fact remain, she feels that it was a push to her. Why would she feel this why????
Last week my daughter for the first time, told one of the teachers... no!!! she was not going into the quite room, and she didnt care what she said! (Her and another child kicked each other, and it was proven that the girl kicked first) I do not condone direspect in no form, and my daughter hasnever behave in this manner; in fact it was rather shocking to the teachers as well.
Yet... why is it now, that everyone wants to focus on the bad that she has done, and penalize her. I understand that she should be punished, in fact I punished her my self at home! But they,make me feel like whats the big fuss about??? No one listens to her complaints, yet they want for their complaints to be heard. I want to snatch my child out of this school. Even the children are cruel, although all chiuldren can be cruel, nothing is reenforced about their behavior, or not as firm as they are when the kids do something out of the ordinary.
Please please help, My child only have me. I am a single Mom doing the best that I can to raise my child in a respectful, nonviolent, or verbal manner. I am trying my best not to lose my Kool! But what I seem is Bias behavior boiling. This behavior is displayed in many forms, here in Mn, and I would not suggest any one of The African American Race to reside here. We have been here for 7 yrs. And I have seen and experienced it first hand, and it isnt a good feeling at all. And they all stick together on matters of such. They will call me crazy when I go to the school telling them what I feel and believe to be true.
It has to be something because it is consistent, and ongoing for her. My daughter is Miserable and she knows nothing of discrimination because the meaning is not taught at schools, and I have not taught it at home. It is a shame when it comes to having to do so.. (Teach Kids How to acknowlege when they are being discriminated against) Help!!!
Loving Mom, who wants nothing but the best for all children and adults. I LOVE MY BABIES, and I teach her/them; right from wrong. I do not in any way, reward negative behavior. Respect can take you a long way in life.
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