I was arrested in June for "Boating While Intoxicated" in Harrison County, Texas. I am a resident of Louisiana and have a Louisiana Driver's License. On the day of the arrest, the game warden pulled me over for a life jacket check, asked if I had been drinking, and then asked me to perform SFT after I blew 0.13 into his handheld while still on the water. On land, I performed SFTs (which arresting officer told me I did well on), was arrested (based on eyes/handheld blow), and subsequently refused to blow/submit to blood test additionally. There was NO video involved of the arrest. Later, the officer got a warrant to draw blood, but the blood wasn't drawn until approx 2.5 hours after initial stop on the lake due to distance to county seat and difficulty obtaining warrant. So, my questions are this... (1) Does the state have a case with no video and waiting so long to draw blood? (2) If convicted, when TX submits the conviction to LA DMV to notify them to hold a hearing for my license suspension, can LA suspend my driver's license if LA doesn't have a "Boating While Intoxicated" charge? The only charge in LA is Driving While Intoxicated/Under the Influence.