What is the name of your state? PA. My 18 year old dtr was at a party with 141 other students. Truth be told. She drank 1 can of beer at 09:00 pm. Bust happens at midnight. The State Alcohol Police hold all 142 students to write citations or on view arrest summons. At 4:00 AM she gets to the officer, who writes an onview arrest based on their conversation "Did you drink?" "Yes, Officer, I had my first and only beer at 09:00 pm". She begs for a breathalizer (3 times) and was refused "Too much time has passed" he states. Meanwhile, others around her at 4:00 am are getting to take breath tests. Penality is stiff; loss of license for 3 months in PA, and 6 months in NJ (where we live), along with a hefty $300 plus fine. Got a lawyer. Got a date for magistrates office hearing. Got there (after driving through an ice storm and almost killing ourselves on Route 80) only to find the officer withdrew the charges 20 minutes before appearance. Today, we get a certified letter. He refiled the charges. Her summons reads as before: "Did consume one 12 ounce can of Milwaukees Best Ice Beer-Defendent is 18 years of age". Does this make sence to anyone ? Yes, she drank her first beer. Her punishment has already been doled out by parents, school, scaring the beezeeus out of her by the law. Is this well spend tax payers $$? Comments and suggestions welcome. sorry this was so long.