Hi all,
I have a question. When I was 17 and just arrived at college, I was given a citation for underage drinking, and had to go to court and ended up having to pay some fines (by the time i went to court i was 18, i dont know if that actually matters since the crime was committed when i was still 17). This occured in Pennsylvania, though my legal residence is in New York. Anyway, I'm graduating college and was wondering what the deal is with expungement of my record. Does this misdemeanor get expunged when I turn 18, or do I have to file for it, or am I stuck with it? Does the fact that I went to court when I was 18 matter? Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!
I have a question. When I was 17 and just arrived at college, I was given a citation for underage drinking, and had to go to court and ended up having to pay some fines (by the time i went to court i was 18, i dont know if that actually matters since the crime was committed when i was still 17). This occured in Pennsylvania, though my legal residence is in New York. Anyway, I'm graduating college and was wondering what the deal is with expungement of my record. Does this misdemeanor get expunged when I turn 18, or do I have to file for it, or am I stuck with it? Does the fact that I went to court when I was 18 matter? Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!