What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? OHIO
My son received a citation for underage possession of alcoholic beverage while at college in OHIO. He is 20 years old. He just arrived at the bar and he and his 21 yr old friend had just got alcoholic drinks. The drinks were both full. The police grabbed my son and asked for his ID - which he didn't have. He took a breath-a-lyzer and passed it (he had not been drinking). The friend had grabbed my sons drink and put it in front of him and they told the police that both drinks were his. So - my son DID NOT have the drink in front of him, DID NOT have a fake ID, was not drinking (yet!). Please advise what he should do? His friend said that he would go to court and testify that both drinks were his. Should he do that? Thank you!What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?
My son received a citation for underage possession of alcoholic beverage while at college in OHIO. He is 20 years old. He just arrived at the bar and he and his 21 yr old friend had just got alcoholic drinks. The drinks were both full. The police grabbed my son and asked for his ID - which he didn't have. He took a breath-a-lyzer and passed it (he had not been drinking). The friend had grabbed my sons drink and put it in front of him and they told the police that both drinks were his. So - my son DID NOT have the drink in front of him, DID NOT have a fake ID, was not drinking (yet!). Please advise what he should do? His friend said that he would go to court and testify that both drinks were his. Should he do that? Thank you!What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?