What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? TN Hello, I have been receiving unemloyment compensation for the last year and a half. I have been actively looking for work and have a couple potential jobs lined up now. My Ex boss ( the man who fired me) called and offered me a job yesterday for exactly half the hourly wage I previously made with him. My question is will I lose my benefits if I refuse this job. He appealed my case twice trying to keep from paying my benifits and also refused to fill out an Aflac form a few months ago therefore keeping me from getting money for a claim that I had while working for him. I feel if i take the job it will be a hostile work environment. One more thing, He also was bragging about this to one of his workers last night and said he was gonna send me a certified letter today. I cannot tell or he will fire this friend of mine. Thank you for any imput you can give on the matter.