What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Minnesota. Background: I have been employed at my current job for 27 years. The company (approx 800 employees in MN) manufactures printed circuit boards, and also offers design and engineering assistance when it may help in bringing in manufacturing business (i.e. if we were approached by a customer that required a great deal of design and engineering assistance, but only needed a small amount of product fabricated, they would be turned away). I am currently the Applications Engineering Manager at the company. A while back, I was approached by an unemployed business associate in this industry who was planning to start a consulting business that offered many of the same engineering and design services that are offered by my company. He wanted to form partnership with my company to take on the engineering and design work that my company was not interested in. He also wanted to act as a vendor for these services when we were overloaded. He stressed that he wanted this to be a collaborative relationship with my company and NOT competitive. I gave him permission to use my name on his website since I am well known in the industry, as long as he included in my bio that I was the engineer manager at my current company and also a link to my company. I also had a meeting with the sales director at my company to discuss the possible arrangement and ask his advice on how to proceed. He recommended a meeting with our operations director and product manager, so I began to put together a presentation. It was a few days later that the problems began. Before I could present the proposal to the interested parties, and without my knowledge, the business associate rolled out his website, set out an email blast promoting the website (some of the emails went to individuals at my company), and failed to put my current employer in my bio. I had him immediately correct the omission on his website, and I also met with our operations director to explain the situation. The operations director had already been made aware of the website, but was understanding of the miscue and seemed to be satisfied once he had a full understanding of the situation. The following day, I was pulled into a conference room by my boss and our HR director. After an hour of interrogation, I was put on immediate unpaid suspension and walked out the door while they do their “investigation”. At this point, I have no idea what my status is, or what the future holds. Has my employer acted appropriately and legally? Do I have any rights that protect my job or me? Any other advice?