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update and question on visitation schedule

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What is the name of your state? MI

well for those of you that know our situation this is a bit of an update and a question?

First off we went to court today on a hearing for support. They had calculated it wrong and did not go by the MI CS manual. So today they acknowledged that it was infact handled wrong and now we have another hearing scheduled for Jan 6th to see how they are going to fix it.

We also got the custody and parenting time recomendation back. And Custody was denied because dad doesn't know his son and because protective services gave the child back to the mom. So they figured it was best for the child to stay with the mom while dad gets to know him. I kinda expected something like that but I at least thought he might get joint legal custody. We knew the visits were going to be ordered as supervised at first so that was no suprise. They are weekly supervised visits. The only bad thing is the place where they will take place is a hour's drive.

So now we have to come up with a supervised visitation schedual that will gradualy become a liberal visitation schedule as the two of them get to know each other. And this is were my question comes in.

Does this sound good and what am i missing? I want to try and cover everything so there are so mishaps.
I think we will ask for 12 supervised visits taking place over 3 months, (so once a week for 3 months). Then adding 1 weekly visit for about 5 hours unsupervised at our home for an additional 3 months and still do the supervised weekly visit as well.
after that we will ask for unsupervised visits. alternate weekends and holidays. splitting X-mas and spring break 50/50 each year. and 4 consecutive weeks in the summer with mom getting a weekend visit in the middle. He's only 5 so I think 4 weeks without seeing mom is a but much but with 2 weeks with us then a weekend with mom and another 2 weeks with us he should do fine.
we are also going to ask that he be allowed to call either parent when ever he wants too, within reason.
that mom keeps dad informed of school, health, and extracuricluar activities.
we want transportation to be split. we live over an hour away from mom so a halfway meeting point for exchangeing the child. A phone call if either parent will be late.
that mom provide clean clothes for visits and we will return them clean as well as anything else he brings with him.

I think that is it. Am i forgetting anything? Should i take anything out? Of course when we type it all out it will be much more specific this is just kind of a run down on things.



Ok I know this isn't my kid and I have absolutly no legal right to this kid. But since dad and I are together we make decision's TOGETHER. (that's how most sucessful couples do things). So WE is he and I.
This kid will be in my life too and if dad wants to stay in my life then we make decision's together since the outcome will be affecting both of us and our kids!

I appoligize for being so snappy but I was useing a general term and for you to try and turn it into some big huge deal just shows you obviousley need to get our more. Your trying to pick a fight. Go find someone else to do it with because I don't have time to waste bickering like kids over a simple term.

Take care and you have a very nice night. Now if you want to answer my question or have any usefull insight I would appreciate hearing it.



Under the Radar Member
beth_parr said:
I appoligize for being so snappy but I was useing a general term and for you to try and turn it into some big huge deal just shows you obviousley need to get our more. Your trying to pick a fight. Go find someone else to do it with because I don't have time to waste bickering like kids over a simple term.
Uuuuh, no. It was a simple question as I don't have your entire history logged in my brain. And I've had a pretty crappy evening in deciding whether it would be better to have animal control put a bullet in a doe's head with my kids around or for me to snap her neck quietly.

I'm not in the mood for a fight, but I'm willing to give you one if you are.


Sounds like a hard day. I guess we both have had one. Sorry for being B*tchy. Hope your night goes better.

The histody is this:

Child is 5yrs old mom violated origional order by taking child out of state when he was a baby. dad filed contempt charges and mom still did not return child. Mom has moved over 13 times in an attempt to keep dad and courts away.
Over the summer mom was caught driving stolen car with kids in backseat. Kids put in Protective custody(CPS), then released to G-ma and then back to mom after she bonded out. CPS sends cops to our house to get ahold of us. we find out mom has been back in MI for about a year and involved in a car trafiking ring with her boyfriend. We also find out that mom had kids taken from her back in 2002 for neglect. Kids were in foster care for a few months and we were never notified. So dad filed for custody and visitation and now we are at today.

dad and I are not married, I call him my husband because it is just makes for less explaining. I kept putting off getting married because I felt i was too young, I wanted to wait till I was 25. I know stupid reason but it just felt awkward doing it any earlier and I guess I was scared to be the first one out of my group of best friends to get married. Plus with the break up we both needed to work things out and get on the same page. We have been together for 10 years,(we obviousley broke up for a year in 2000) We have 3 kids and are getting married after my b-day which is jan 15th! But are now thinking about doing it before the first of the year for tax purposes, which goes against my whole issue of being married before being 25 but whats a few days?


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