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Update! Help! Breaking Lease - Mitigating Damages

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state? CA

Now they are saying that I need to pay the property manager's fee for advertising, showing and renting the property. I understand that advertising may be a reasonable expense. But property management????? I have no agreement with this management agency!!!! Isn't the lanlord responsible for their decision to use and pay a property manager? :eek: :mad:

I've postponed my move until the unit is rented.

When I signed a year lease on my current rental in August 2003, I had a verbal agreement with my landlord (stated in the presence of my realtor) that I could break my lease at anytime so long as I found an acceptable replacement tenant to fulfill the same terms of my lease. I would never have signed the lease otherwise. Since then, the property has been sold. I have circumstances that require me to move. I informed my new landlord that I wished to break the lease and of the agreement that I had with the previous landlord. (I signed neither an estopel form or a lease with this new landlord) She told me not to proceed with placing ads, etc. because she wanted her agent to handle everything. It was two weeks before the agent made contact with me. She had not taken any steps to rent the property. I did my best to help; I placed an ad for her, at the direction of the agent, for the same rent/terms of my lease. The ad was then changed, increasing the rent by $175 a month. Can they do this? Does this qualify as mitigating damages?

Also, there are repairs that I was promised by the previous landlord last August and February, that have not been made. I also informed the purchasing agent of these issues and a new electrical problem on the day escrow closed (now 2 months ago). None of these has been addressed.

Questions: Am I liable for the two weeks lost during which nothing was done to rent the property? Am I liable for the remainder of the lease for now that they have raised the rent?


Senior Member
Don't start a new thread to continue your existing post.
Return to your original post and press 'post reply'. Place this post there.
Then return to THIS post and delete or close.


Senior Member
Then you lost your attempt to have us read your mind... or try to remember the specific issues of your problem.... and any chance of an accurate response.

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