I am from the state of Rhode Island. On 2/14/01 I bought a used Oldsmobile 88. I bought the car as is but also bought a warranty.
The warranty covers the repair of the transmission. On 3/6/01 my car would not go into reverse and only drives in 1st gear. I took it to a transmission repair shop and they filed a claim with the warranty company. The warranty company is trying to pawn off a used transmission on me. I have no idea where this transmission has been found, how much mileage or what abuses it had in it's previous life. I do not want a used transmission put into my car. I can have a re-built transmission but only if I pay the difference in price between a used transmission and a re-built transmission. A sum of $1300. I find this to be outrageous since I had driven the car for only 3 weeks before the transmission problem reared it's ugly head. The warranty representative said the warranty company can replace any "component" with a used "component" at their discrestion. Is the transmission considered a "component"? Seems like a pretty major part of the vehicle to be considered merely a "component". And if they track down some used transmission from the scrap yard that gives me problems down the road is there anything I can do about that? I find it difficult to believe that something so crucial to the operation of my vehicle can be replaced with a used and possible/probable piece of junk and there's not a thing I can do about it unless, of course, I am willing to fork over $1300. Please help!!!!
The warranty covers the repair of the transmission. On 3/6/01 my car would not go into reverse and only drives in 1st gear. I took it to a transmission repair shop and they filed a claim with the warranty company. The warranty company is trying to pawn off a used transmission on me. I have no idea where this transmission has been found, how much mileage or what abuses it had in it's previous life. I do not want a used transmission put into my car. I can have a re-built transmission but only if I pay the difference in price between a used transmission and a re-built transmission. A sum of $1300. I find this to be outrageous since I had driven the car for only 3 weeks before the transmission problem reared it's ugly head. The warranty representative said the warranty company can replace any "component" with a used "component" at their discrestion. Is the transmission considered a "component"? Seems like a pretty major part of the vehicle to be considered merely a "component". And if they track down some used transmission from the scrap yard that gives me problems down the road is there anything I can do about that? I find it difficult to believe that something so crucial to the operation of my vehicle can be replaced with a used and possible/probable piece of junk and there's not a thing I can do about it unless, of course, I am willing to fork over $1300. Please help!!!!