I'm from Czech Republic in the EU. Sorry for not justifying, I will be the author of the faces' paintings and sell these or give access to them after seeing an ad. Does it apply for that also? Also, what are the possible sanctions for that?
FreeAdvice addresses U.S. law questions and U.S. legal concerns only. Sorry.
Laws vary in significant ways from country to country. I can tell you that if you use someone else's copyrighted work without authorization from the copyright holder, however, that is likely to infringe on the copyright holder's exclusive rights to their work (with a few exceptions).
I can also tell you that trying to profit off the name, image or fame of another person without authorization from that person can violate their publicity/personality rights.
You potentially could be sued.
You should consult with an intellectual property attorney in your area of the world for a personal review of your proposed project.
Good luck.