Dealer makes verbal contract to fix car's air conditioner before purchase.Ran air conditioner 2 minutes during test drive-air conditioner working.I bought car.
car put in for repair under a recall after only owning for one week (different dealership)Recall repair took 36 days when car finally returned to me Dealership handling recall issue informs me air contioner no good-improperly fixed hoses to recently installed reconditioned air conditioner allowed leaking out of all gases.
Hoses no good and improperly installed-hoses were cut then hooked on possibly dealer trying to avoid cost of replacing hoses. Dealer resposible wants to charge me $100.00 towards repair-I refused to pay!
dealer is responsible still for making proper repair? Could I win in a small claims court?
I have a witness to the verbal contract and can get written statement from dealer involved in the recall issue.
car put in for repair under a recall after only owning for one week (different dealership)Recall repair took 36 days when car finally returned to me Dealership handling recall issue informs me air contioner no good-improperly fixed hoses to recently installed reconditioned air conditioner allowed leaking out of all gases.
Hoses no good and improperly installed-hoses were cut then hooked on possibly dealer trying to avoid cost of replacing hoses. Dealer resposible wants to charge me $100.00 towards repair-I refused to pay!
dealer is responsible still for making proper repair? Could I win in a small claims court?
I have a witness to the verbal contract and can get written statement from dealer involved in the recall issue.