sandy m
I have had a verbal contract with a salon lessor for over three years. She gave me a writen contract this past week that is to go into effect soon. My start day is April the 18th. Can she change our first contract before my first start date in which we have a verbal contract? She wants to raise my sub-lessee agreement by twenty-five dollars a week. She has also wants us to have our on insurance for accident to our customer in coming in to the building. I have liable insurance on my services. Every where I have ever leased from has alway caried accidental insurance for on the property. She also want to charge a $10. late fee per day on rent. Which it is paid weekly. She wants payments on Tues. of each week. I only work Wed. Thurs. & Fri.. So when I come to work I am already a day late. Most sub-lessee usually have 30 Days after a writen notice to make good on there rent before they can be evicted or pentalized. Thanks for your help.