What is the name of your state?What is the name of your state? VA We are wondering if we have a case against the school or principal. My child was sexually assaulted during school hours on school property. She was traumatized and didn't tell anyone. The boy bragged, someone told the teacher, who told the principal. Both children were questioned in the office for 2 hours without parent or sheriff. Principal says he can investigate, make decisions, and discipline and isn't obligated to call anyone. The principal only talked to the boy who claimed both were consenting parties. The vice-principal tried to talk to my daughter but could see she was uncomfortable with him and referred her to a female guidance counselor. She informed couselor that she was forced and was unwilling in this act. Another girl said my child had said no when they were approached by boy. Principal chose to believe boy, to "err on the side of caution", and suspended both for 10 days and a school board disciplinary action hearing. I was called after school to be informed of the suspension. Principal wouldn't listen to the fact that my child was a victim because he didn't believe this act could be forced. Since he didn't believe a crime had been committed, he didn't notify a sheriff. I called the sheriff later that night after talking to a hotline that confirmed my child had classic signs of being a victim. Since the school conducted an improper investigation, the school board took 17 days to decide that they didn't know who to believe and allowed both children back into school. My child's schedule was changed so they wouldn't be in the same class but they still had lunch in close proximity. He called her some very unpleasant names and started rumors bad enough that she had to finish school with homebound instruction. Even though suspension is over, she was not allowed to attend a co-curriculum competition because this suspension happened during that 6 weeks. We feel the principal handled this poorly and ignored my child's rights as a victim and was denied due process. We feel the school victimized her further. Do we have a case?