What is the name of your state? New Jersey
My daughters father is allowed two non-consecutive vacation weeks with her during the summer. One week is supposed to be a week when he would not normally have her at all and the other week is a week when he would normally have her for 4 of the 7 days regardless of vacation. He says he is entitled to have her 14 extra days of the summer. I say 10 extra (2 weeks of 7 days each less the 4 he would normally have her). He is making plans to take her away for more days than he is allowed. What can I do about this? He refuses to even hear my side or consider swapping days so if he takes her an extra two days he gives up two somewhere down the road. I would like to avoid a costly battle but want my rights.What is the name of your state?
My daughters father is allowed two non-consecutive vacation weeks with her during the summer. One week is supposed to be a week when he would not normally have her at all and the other week is a week when he would normally have her for 4 of the 7 days regardless of vacation. He says he is entitled to have her 14 extra days of the summer. I say 10 extra (2 weeks of 7 days each less the 4 he would normally have her). He is making plans to take her away for more days than he is allowed. What can I do about this? He refuses to even hear my side or consider swapping days so if he takes her an extra two days he gives up two somewhere down the road. I would like to avoid a costly battle but want my rights.What is the name of your state?