Kimberly Allender
i live in florida and my husband is currently in jail for a violation of his house arrest. he has new charges pending and is set for trial may 14, 2001 and has court date for the vop or vocc on june 22, 2001. he was on house arrest for felony aggravated battery against a pregnant women, which was me. since that time he has completed an anger management program and we have since resolved the domestic violence issues. even though the new charges are not related to domestic violence it is now giving the state attorney the chance to empose the minimum sentence of 5 years in prison. his house arrest officer has also given the same recommendation and has stated that he could have done "better" when he was on house arrest. i believe the house arrest officer could have done "better". he gave my husband just enough rope to hang himself, by only checking on him once a week, if that and not confirming his work hours with his employer. i ahve been afraid to say anything or to report this since it my further harm my husband and the out come of his case. what should i do? he made it 10 months on house arrest, which is unheard of. do you think the judge will take this into consideration, along with the fact that we have since reconciled and we where working together to raise our nine month old daughther? please help I am desperate to have him home, as i currently have no income and am trying to raise and support three children on my own.