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Violation of Indiana Codes and Ethics

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Indiana
My privacy was violated by the State appointed prosecutor Mr.H, and the State Appointed Defense Attorney, in which I don't
recall his name at this time, both in which work out of xx County. I was
assaulted in 03 by an offender, when coming on shift of may 25th 2006
I was approached by staff asking if my social security number was this and
DOB was this and my home address, I told them yes and they stated that they
over heard an inmate talking to another inmate on how he was going to run
scams with my info when he gets out, this inmate has ties with the Aryan
Brotherhood, several weeks had passed and I found information on how the
Texas Aryan brotherhood was communicating back in forth with the Aryans
here, the Texas AB's were wanting things set up here in Indiana as they do
down there, several weeks later I was conducting another cell search and
that's when I found my info, not realizing this was the offender who
assaulted me prior. My info was left on
legal documents that was given to the offender when he asked for a motion of
discovery, this is where both parties failed to block out pertinent
information on myself, this was found in the segregation unit in which i
worked in, MCF did file charges on the offender in which threatened me and
was later transported to Illinois to serve time, and hard telling what the
AB status is over there, I was than asked by another staff member to see if
is information was violated when he was assaulted in which it was and in
this case there were 2 staff persons involved and 3 inmates that had there
information on legal forms, come to find out there 13 staff members info
violated but only 5 of us know about it as far as i know now, We all took
the appropriate steps in filing a grievance and a tort claim and an
investigation in which all came back stating nothing was found wrong, in
which in our findings they violated the Indiana Codes, codes of ethics and
the Privacy Act. I know for a
fact that if we were to violate any offenders info that we would be fired
and charges brought against us, and also I am sure that you personally would
not want your info floating around the state of Indiana, and to top things
off, I am in the process to try and find legal help to hold someone accountable and in which i am unsuccessful. I also feel if this was an inmate trying to get something done
it would have been settled immediately, did I give of my rights when i
signed on to the DOC, I and the other people involved are very disappointed
in the system on how
things were handled, but yet we still go in and do OUR job to the best of
our abilities putting us more at risk and OUR Families, I don't want to go
into work one day and be asked to do something and if I don't my family will
pay, and so forth, I am asking if you can look into this, hold someone
accountable, if possible clean my credit and put a 24 hour protection on my
credit and possible over turn the decision on the tort claim. I should not
have to what 10 yrs done the road for something to happen When I filed the Report of Investigation and gave them the IC codes that were violated, the
Investigator stated no wrong doing was found, how can that be when I gave
them the IC codes? I just became aware of IC 4-2-7-5 in which makes me
wonder now and why they also just happen to make that law change fall on
July 1st, in which i feel they knew that they were wrong and now trying to
cover themselves....Please put Yourself in my shoes and try to understand
were I'm coming from IC codes violated: (11) "Information of a confidential nature" means
(A) obtained by reason of the position or office held; and
(B) which:
(i) a public agency is prohibited from disclosing under IC
IC 4-2-7-5
Code of ethics; filing ethics complaint
Sec. 5. (a) The inspector general shall adopt rules under IC 4-22-2
establishing a code of ethics for the conduct of state business. The code of
ethics must be consistent with Indiana law.
(b) If the inspector general investigates and determines that there is
specific and credible evidence that a current or former employee, a current
or former state officer, a current or former special state appointee, or a
person who has or had a business relationship with an agency has violated
the code of ethics, the inspector general may:
(1) file a complaint with the ethics commission and represent the
state in a public proceeding before the ethics commission as prescribed in
IC 4-2-6-4; or
(2) file a complaint with the ethics commission and negotiate an
agreed settlement for approval by the ethics commission according to its
As added by P.L.222-2005, SEC.14.
IC 4-2-7-8
Confidentiality of informant; exceptions; records and disclosure; penalties
Sec. 8. (a) The identity of any individual who discloses in good faith
to the inspector general information alleging a violation of a state or
federal statute, rule, regulation, or ordinance is confidential and may not
be disclosed to anyone other than the governor, the staff of the office of
the inspector general, or an authority to whom the investigation is
subsequently referred or certified, unless:
(1) the inspector general makes a written determination that it is
in the public interest to disclose the individuals identity; or
(2) the individual consents in writing to disclosure of the
individuals identity.
(b) The investigative records of the inspector general may be kept
confidential in whole or in part.
(c) This subsection does not apply to a person who is a party to an
action brought by the inspector general. Information received by the
inspector general is not required to be produced in the course of discovery
unless ordered by a court after a showing of:
(1) particularized need; and
(2) proof that the information requested cannot be obtained from any
other source.
(d) Except as provided in subsection (e), a person who knowingly or
intentionally discloses:
(1) confidential information or records; or
(2) the identity of a person whose identity is confidential under
subsection (a);
commits unlawful disclosure of confidential information, a Class A
(e) A person may disclose confidential information or records or the
identity of a person whose identity is confidential under subsection (a) if
the governor authorizes the disclosure of this information in the public
As added by P.L.222-2005, SEC.14.
This IC code did not play a part in my situationWhat is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?
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Senior Member
If you think you have a case, you have to click on a tab that will refer you to an attorney. You apparently think that the attorney will do the things you want done without charging you. Not likely.

I suspect that the moment the attorney is told about the Texas Aryan Brotherhood, he or she will tune you out as, "Oh boy. One of those."

You could have used one of the many services set up to notify customers of credit discrepancies. You could have looked up the plentiful information out there on how to deal with situations where someone else is using your private information. I don't get the feeling that you did any of those things.
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