That is true CJane, I have welcomed him into my home many times since the warrant was served, however, I had never requested that it be served at all. The evening that the warrant was served, he had followed me back to my home after he had seen me and a girl friend out at a local night club. At that time, we had recently decided to seperate. Anyway, he had become angry because he didn't approve of my choice of clothing. His verbal and physical actions had him thrown out of the club by security. He went outside and proceeded to kick and beat his own car. When he appeared at my home, the friend that I was with became very worried, and she called the police. When they arrived, all I asked was that he be told to leave. I was given the paper (trespass warrant) unaware what it was at the time. After working things out with him, I did try to have the warrant lifted. I was told that I was not able to do that. The other night I did speak with him throughout the day. I did know that he had been planning to be here later that night. I did not give him a definative answer at that time as we have been recently been working on some big issues, and we were not sure where the relationship was going. I had asked that he call around 10pm.. by 10:30 he had not called, so I called him. I could tell that he had been out drinking, and I decided that I didn't want to deal with like that.. so, I did say that I didn't think it was a good night, and that I would talk with him the next day. As I was speaking with him on the phone, he appeared at my door. I asked that he leave. I woulld talk with him as long as he liked on the phone, but that I did not want to have him inside. I asked that he leave repeatedly and he insisted that I let him in. He became irrational, saying that he would bang on my neighbors door and wake her up if I didn't??? He was acting like he does when he is drunk and not getting his way, that scared me. The more he got upset the more I was sure I was not opening the door! I only told the police that I had not invited him, well, because I realy didn't, but also I was afraid to say that I had known of his plan to visit in fear that they would leave him there at my door even more angry. I honestly wish I could go back and change the situation, but I can't. I am now confused.. did he or did he not trespass? Am I or am I not guilty of lying to the police? Am I possibly facing charges for not telling the whole story? In my defense, I did go to the DA office the very next business day to tell the whole true story... I don't know if now I am going to need a lawyer?