What is the name of your state? Tn. I'm helping a family thinking about filing a lawsuit against Vioxx. The person had lupus, and then with end staging renal failure. She was on dialysis, but her lupus was flaring back up, so her doctor prescribe Vioxx. This was June 2002. Late July 2002, she was admitted to the hospital, due to numbness in her foot, and she just couldn't walk. Then it begin to go downhilll, with numberous times in the ICU, due to busted blood clots in her legs, she died in July 2003 with a heart attack. Since her death has been over a year and half ago is it too late? The family do have the Vioxx bottle, but we don't know if they still prescribe Vioxx when she was in the hospital or not. If they stop when she went in the hospital, is it worth filling a lawsuit?