aggravated mom
Ok I have a question regarding my daughter. She is leaving to go to her dads tomorrow for her summer visitation. In the past she has always stayed with his parents and with her dad for maybe a week at the most. Her father has a new girlfriend and they have informed my daughters aunt that they will be getting married shortly after they get my daughter. This new girlfriend is trying to keep my daughters father from associating with his family and he has to sneak behind her back to talk to them. My daughters father got upset when he found out that his sister and parents knew when he was going to be getting her. He has given both the grandparents and my daughters aunt the impression that they will not be seeing my daughter this summer. When I had asked him when she would be leaving to go to Michigan he told me he did not know if she would be seeing them this summer because he only gets a week vacation. I asked him to please try and take her to see them even if it is only for a week. I feel it is important that she see them for she is very attached to them and looks forward to seeing them. He did not comment. Then he turns around and doesn't even inform them that he is getting her. They found out from when I spoke to them and told them and my daughter told them. My daughter is upset about the idea that she may not get to see her grandparents this summer. She is 9 years old will be 10 in October. Can I file a motion on my daughters behalf requesting that she spend half the summer with her father and the other half with her grandparents. And can I put a request in that when she is there only immidiate family is allowed to watch her and if they are not available than he can find someone else to care for her. This way her aunt is given a chance to see her. If so where would I file this at. He lives in Indiana and our papers are in Indiana but in a different county than he resides. We live in Tennessee. The grandparents now reside in Michigan. What can I do to insure she still gets to see her grandparents who are very important to her?