My mother has been married for about 10 years to her second husband. During the first few years of their marriage, he inherited the house that they were living in. To make a long story shorter, they seperated about three years ago, her husband remained in the home and my mother kept physical custody of their minor son. During this time, my mother asked for a divorce, which her husband insisted that he would not grant. They remained amicable in spite of this situation, in fact she recently moved back into the house, but as a rent paying tenant!! They are not together in a married sense, as the living quarters are totally seperate. Her husband still refuses a divorce, not because he wants to reconcile, but because of his mistrust of the legal system. He maintains that he is sole owner of this house, and because his health is poor he states that he is willing everything to his older sons from a previous marriage. (I should mention that their state of residence is NH) Can he do this? We don't believe he even has a will, but doesn't my mother have some say in this?