State is Alabama. First I need to explain that we have taken the warranty deed and the survey to a real estate attorney to verify and was told that if the grantors gave us any issues on widening the narrow 10 ft easement to the actual deeded 20 ft easement to take them to civil court. The storms have washed out the road in several places along the 1/4 mile easement of where we have to drive through their property to get to our drive. The oil pan under our car was scraping the road driving in and out of the ruts where a culvert pipe was loaded up with debris and broken in several places well within the 20 ft easement causing all the rain to wash out the previous work we had done. My husband contacted the owner and asked if he would buy the culvert pipe and we would pay the excavator fee to redo the road and cover the culvert pipe. He said he couldn't afford it. So my husband told him he'll pull the broken culvert out and clean out the ditch so the water could flow where it's supposed to and agreed. Had the excavator in and got the work done. A couple of days ago they brought out their small tractor and filled the ditch in and set two pieces of broken culvert at each end to make it look like the culvert was functional. We paid to have that done within our 20 ft easement even though that area of easement is what they have to drive on also. I know it's a civil issue BUT I don't know what division to file in, small claims? Cease and desist? They also have 2 old cars that have been there for 3 years within the 20ft easement that the excavator had to work around.