i have a nine year old son who has known only me all his life. his biological father has seen him only a few times in my sons life. the father has been in prison, was very abusive towards the both of us and is supposedly a recovering drug user and heavy drinker. after all this time he is now saying he wants to see his son, i do not want any visitation rights given to him because of his nature and plus the last few times he saw his son by some chance there was a burn on his bottom by a cigar, and clear mark on his face which indicated someone had slapped him very hard. the father will not stop calling my family and has in the past threatened to kidnap my son. what are my rights and what can i do? i have had restraing orders put against him and the law will not seem to help my case any. he was ordered to pay child support six years ago and has not paid a dime even though he has worked since then. i am very confused and i am tired of all this and want nothing more than to make him leave us alone. but legally what can i do? does he have a right to see his son, even though we were never married.