What is the name of your state?What is the name of your state? New York.
Two days ago I pulled into a gas station (standard 2 rows with 2 double sided pumps in each). As I parked next to one of the inside pumps, a pickup entered from the other direction parking near the other pump (Our vehicles are now each parked at pump facing each other).
As I put my car in park, the man in the pickup yells at me saying that "I should move my **** car." I didn't see any reason to, so I continued to park and got out of my vehicle. He continues to yell at me from inside his truck saying that he intended to use the pump that I parked at and that if I didn't move my car he was going to get out and kick my ass. I simply told him that I intended to use the pump I was parked at and didn't know why he couldn't use the pump he was parked at. He replied that another one of the pumps in the station didn't work and that he had to turn his truck around to get to the pump I was at. I looked over, saw another one of the pumps had an "Out of Order" sign on it, and still questioned him why he couldn't use the pump he was parked near. He continued to yell, scream, and threaten me. I now ignored him and proceeded to take out my credit card and walk to the pump beside my car.
He ran back to his truck, started it, threw it in drive and floored it- intentionally ramming my car (which I was standing beside). Upon impact he turns his truck off, yells to me "Ooops, I guess there wasn't enough *** room", and began filling his truck with gas.
I opened my car door, grabbed my cell, and called 911. I told the dispatcher the story, my location, and full description of the man and his truck while he watched me (pumping his gas). While I was on the phone, a woman who had been pumping gas at the pump beside me walked over, apologized that she had to go to work, but gave me her numbers if I needed help. The dispatcher asked again where I was and where the gentleman was. I told him that he had since finished pumping gas, had gotten into his pickup and was now driving off. He questioned why I didn't ask for the man's information or why I didn't tell him to wait for the police to arrive. I reminded him what happened the last time I spoke with the gentleman and why I didn't care to confront him again. He agreed and understood, I told him the direction the man was heading and was informed that police would be there shortly and to wait for them.
State police were first on scene. He looked over my car and asked for the story of what happened (he couldn't believe that the man had the balls to pump his gas). I then finished telling him the story and gave him my license/registration/insurance info as well as the witness' numbers. A few minutes later he tells me that they had the gentleman in custody and were escorting him back to the gas station and that I should wait in my car.
They talk to him, then come back to me a while later and tell me that he has been having "a bad day", I remind the officer that currently I am too.
They tell me that they're trying to finish things up for me and it'll just be another minute. A while later he returns and hands me an accident report I have to fill out, a form to fill out to get the police report, and the mans information (name, address, phone, and insurance), tells me to get a few estimates and contact the guy to find out if he'd rather pay for it all himself or go through his insurance, or even if I'll have to take him to court on the matter.
My questions are:
I have no clue on what (if any) tickets the police gave him, is there any way to find out?
I wasn't asked if I wanted to press any charges at the time, but am really curious if there are any I can. He may have been aiming for my car, but the fact that I was verbally threatened earlier and standing a foot from my car when he rammed it definitely put me in danger.
What are my full options if he decides to fight me and not pay?
Same with his insurance (since I'm sure they'll have issues after reading the police report where it states he struck me intentionally).
Court? Would it just be for the damage endured to my car- or could I get more due to his verbal threats, intentionally ramming my car, and overall emotional duress. (no, I'm not expecting the millions you see on TV for- but I can easily say that if this man had a gun on him, I wouldn't be typing this right now.. and yes, that does frighten me.)
Thank anyone for reading this and any help or advice would be appreciated.
...or if there would be a more suitable place forum for this, please let me know.
Two days ago I pulled into a gas station (standard 2 rows with 2 double sided pumps in each). As I parked next to one of the inside pumps, a pickup entered from the other direction parking near the other pump (Our vehicles are now each parked at pump facing each other).
As I put my car in park, the man in the pickup yells at me saying that "I should move my **** car." I didn't see any reason to, so I continued to park and got out of my vehicle. He continues to yell at me from inside his truck saying that he intended to use the pump that I parked at and that if I didn't move my car he was going to get out and kick my ass. I simply told him that I intended to use the pump I was parked at and didn't know why he couldn't use the pump he was parked at. He replied that another one of the pumps in the station didn't work and that he had to turn his truck around to get to the pump I was at. I looked over, saw another one of the pumps had an "Out of Order" sign on it, and still questioned him why he couldn't use the pump he was parked near. He continued to yell, scream, and threaten me. I now ignored him and proceeded to take out my credit card and walk to the pump beside my car.
He ran back to his truck, started it, threw it in drive and floored it- intentionally ramming my car (which I was standing beside). Upon impact he turns his truck off, yells to me "Ooops, I guess there wasn't enough *** room", and began filling his truck with gas.
I opened my car door, grabbed my cell, and called 911. I told the dispatcher the story, my location, and full description of the man and his truck while he watched me (pumping his gas). While I was on the phone, a woman who had been pumping gas at the pump beside me walked over, apologized that she had to go to work, but gave me her numbers if I needed help. The dispatcher asked again where I was and where the gentleman was. I told him that he had since finished pumping gas, had gotten into his pickup and was now driving off. He questioned why I didn't ask for the man's information or why I didn't tell him to wait for the police to arrive. I reminded him what happened the last time I spoke with the gentleman and why I didn't care to confront him again. He agreed and understood, I told him the direction the man was heading and was informed that police would be there shortly and to wait for them.
State police were first on scene. He looked over my car and asked for the story of what happened (he couldn't believe that the man had the balls to pump his gas). I then finished telling him the story and gave him my license/registration/insurance info as well as the witness' numbers. A few minutes later he tells me that they had the gentleman in custody and were escorting him back to the gas station and that I should wait in my car.
They talk to him, then come back to me a while later and tell me that he has been having "a bad day", I remind the officer that currently I am too.
They tell me that they're trying to finish things up for me and it'll just be another minute. A while later he returns and hands me an accident report I have to fill out, a form to fill out to get the police report, and the mans information (name, address, phone, and insurance), tells me to get a few estimates and contact the guy to find out if he'd rather pay for it all himself or go through his insurance, or even if I'll have to take him to court on the matter.
My questions are:
I have no clue on what (if any) tickets the police gave him, is there any way to find out?
I wasn't asked if I wanted to press any charges at the time, but am really curious if there are any I can. He may have been aiming for my car, but the fact that I was verbally threatened earlier and standing a foot from my car when he rammed it definitely put me in danger.
What are my full options if he decides to fight me and not pay?
Same with his insurance (since I'm sure they'll have issues after reading the police report where it states he struck me intentionally).
Court? Would it just be for the damage endured to my car- or could I get more due to his verbal threats, intentionally ramming my car, and overall emotional duress. (no, I'm not expecting the millions you see on TV for- but I can easily say that if this man had a gun on him, I wouldn't be typing this right now.. and yes, that does frighten me.)
Thank anyone for reading this and any help or advice would be appreciated.
...or if there would be a more suitable place forum for this, please let me know.
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