from virginia, our home improvement business,( just my husband and I) gave a bid of $8100 for 27 replacement windows in an old farm house. the bid was accecpted by the home owner. she did not sign the contract. she gave us half down ($4050) and we ordered the windows at a cost of $4300. we were to wait until another company dug a basement under the house before putting the windows in. it's been two months so I called to see when we could start, she said unknown to her the basement diggers had put the windows in. sorry! we have also bought other supplies to put these windows in(insulation, nails, wood etc.) I have spent money in the last two months knowing we had this money coming in. we left a message telling her she didn't even cover expenses and still owned us $742. How much can we make her pay if anything since she did't sign the contract. we trusted her and in thirty years of business it's the first time we've been screwed. Help if you can.