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Junior Member
This Occured in New York State.

My recently deceased mother's husband, and the agent who wrote a life insurance policy from ReliaStar are waiting to collect 10,000,000 payout from my mom's death this, past August, 2008. ".
This ReliaStar $10,000,000.00 policy was less than 2 years old and even though my Mom was having "pains & pressure" in her chest, she did not see a doctor about it. My guess as to- why; is that she was "waiting" for this 2-year "window' on this policy to mature. In procuring a copy of the document, the first thing I noticed is that - The Signature[on the insurance application document, itself- IS NOT My Mother's Actual Signature[it was forged] and to make matters worse, the information that was written on this document is Not True, in regard to requested medical information that "she?' supplied. However, if the signature is not even hers- who could say she [my Mom] - lied? As there is no notary stamp-just an illegible scribble of a "signature"[who was a "witness"& it's impossible to even read.
Is there any way to "get word" to the insurance of this fraud-
or, is this, just how things are done? :confused:
What should I do?
Many Thanks, in advance for any advice.

Dandy Don

Senior Member
What was her official cause of death as listed on the death certificate?

Did she mention any diseases or medical problems on her application where they asked about any pre-existing medical conditions?

Are you saying that her application names the husband AND the agent as the only 2 beneficiaries of this policy?

Is the witness also a beneficiary or just a friend or acquaintance of your mother or of the other 2 beneficiaries?

Did she leave a last will and testament where other assets besides the life insurance policy are listed and will you be receiving a part of that estate?

DANDY DON IN OKLAHOMA ([email protected])


Senior Member
There are many legal reasons not to, but if you think it's necessary, write the company.

Be ready to get involved in a lawsuit.

Dandy Don

Senior Member
Call the company anonymously or have someone else do it to ask if there is a reward program for tipsters/whistleblowers who report information. If you write the letter, it's best that you do not sign your name to it unless you are unafraid of revenge/repercussions to you by the agent and by the spouse's surviving husband; they can still investigate the information without knowing who reported it. This particular company has a habit of "reviewing/re-examining applications" after the death has occurred, trying to find reasons not to pay out, and they are facing scrutiny because of it--a recent California law that was passed makes what they are doing in that regard illegal. There is probably enough wrong with this case that they can probably find other reasons not to pay out besides the pre-existing conditions.

DANDY DON IN OKLAHOMA ([email protected])


Junior Member
What was her official cause of death as listed on the death certificate?

Did she mention any diseases or medical problems on her application where they asked about any pre-existing medical conditions?

Are you saying that her application names the husband AND the agent as the only 2 beneficiaries of this policy?

Is the witness also a beneficiary or just a friend or acquaintance of your mother or of the other 2 beneficiaries?

Did she leave a last will and testament where other assets besides the life insurance policy are listed and will you be receiving a part of that estate?

DANDY DON IN OKLAHOMA ([email protected])
Thank You Don, for responding. To the best of my knowledge; this is the answers to your questions…
[1]-The official cause of death was a massive blockage in her heart due to accumulated plac. The MD who had done the autopsy said that they rarely saw, a heart, so congested & in such an extreme manner that they found in my mom’s heart! In theory, a “simple” test could have ascertained this condition-existed, and a shunt/ by-pass could have been done. My mom would be alive & well today, as she was a woman who took Excellent care of herself.
2A] - The ONLY named, “Direct” Beneficiary is The Surviving Husband. However, “Indirectly”,-The agent[who, was also, a “personal friend” of my mother’s] will collect some sort of commission as well as whatever other “arrangements” she made with the surviving husband. Just as an *aside*; the surviving husband, is a man who has a history of marrying “wealthy” woman [he was a hairdresser] when he meant my mother, as it was, she-who had & provided him with financial wealth & security. He went through-“millions of dollars” of her money which left my mom in a frightened mental state as she was “running out of money”. She was always telling me-how scared she was, in regard to her future.
Before my mother took this policy out, this “same” agent orchestrated a similar type of policy, involving [for] my mother’s surviving husband. I’m not certain of all the gory details but apparently, after this 2 year window; this “policy” was “cashed-in” for something like 400,000.00? & I believe, this where “the cash” came from to pay,-the enormous “Premiums” that were required to insure [my Mom] a 70 year old woman for 10 million dollars. My thoughts are that after this 2 year window, the plan was to cash-in this 10 million dollar policy for whatever that pay-out was…???- However, she did Not Live, long enough, to realize this 2 year “cash-in” window. The policy was less than 2 years old.
2B] - There was More than just the “Omission” of the correct information on the document, there was an overt misinformation [lies] recorded by my [mother] in several of the question pertaining to her own health [x-ray confirmed she’d some sort of “lesion” on her heart due to earlier heart attack which she never mentioned [in fact-denied] as well her own father’s Very Early Death [40’s] from a Massive Coronary. She lied totally on the cause of his death.
3] - The signature of the “Witness” is Totally-Not Legible, no one’s who’s looked at it-can read it! The suspicion is that it is-“The Agent’s Signature.
However, my Mother’s own Personal Signature is Very Unique-*grins* Even though I’m an artist, I cannot even “copy” it with any authenticity. Everyone who “knows” Mom’s signature-knows this IS a Fake. Even if one did not know my mom’s signature, just by a “side by side” visual comparison it would be obvious that the handwriting is that of 2 different individuals.
4] - Besides a Will, there was a Pre-Nuptual agreement-all of “that” is in a state of litigation and confusion. That whole situation is a Legal MESS.
The only thing that I wanted to do after mom died was to go through-“her” house and perhaps, just, collect some “items”[not of any value only of sentiment[for myself & my daughter, who suffers from TBI[traumatic brain injury & could not attend her grandma’s funeral as she needs “special care”]. Even though my mother’s house, contents & personal effects, were left to myself and my sibs as her estate, we are not allowed to even “enter the house” as the pre-nup stated that the husband has life tenancy, and because he’s a [well, I don’t have “words to describe what kind of individual he is…] Let me just say that he has allowed me [or my sibs] into the house for almost 3 months.

Summery: I am NOT Looking to profit from any insurance issues in this question nor do I feel, the insurance company is to held at “fault”; though I do not understand how & why; they don’t have “Much Stricter” criteria and “legal-checks” on the physical health of those they insure esp. for such large sums of money. That is “their” business & I don’t even claim to understand it. This is the same company involved in the Heath Leger situation. If there is “Blame” placed on anyone in this situation; it is “The Blood-Money” that is sought by the surviving husband and my mother’s friend [The agent] in this contract. I, personally, would not Want-Any of this money-as I think the whole thing was some sort of scam and the consequences were not worth the Effort. But, I DO NOT WANT to SEE, those, who should have “Cared & Loved” my Mom- To Profit from this disgusting display of GREED. That is why I ask if there’s anything I can do [in informing the insurance company]-to prevent them [agent & husband [gigolo] from collecting-a penny.
Is there a chance that the company-can find-out about all this information and Not Pay? I know that the company is fighting Leger’s claim. Is the fact, that her signature is “forged”, the false medical information that was given, or the “under 2 window of this policy”- of any value in determining, the payment/settlement in this matter?
I Really Did & Do Love My Mom.
Hers’ was a Death that didn’t need to be.


Junior Member
There are many legal reasons not to, but if you think it's necessary, write the company.

Be ready to get involved in a lawsuit.
Thank You Tranquility...
Please read, "The Summery" section of my response to Don. The only "damages or compensation" that I am seeking, is- some "tranquility"[peace of spirit] in terms of some sort of karmic "Justice" being done. I know, "How Much" -THIS MONEY means to[the husband] ...The DAY- after her death, he attempted to "clean-out" her bank acccount with a "post-dated" Forged Check, to himself. Thankfully, it was picked-up-on by the bank manager, who recognized the signature on the check to Not be my Mom's. It is an odd individual who could do such a thing in such professed "Grief" as he claimed to have.:mad:
Last edited:


Senior Member
The policy is apparently in the two year contestable period - that is why they are "waiting" before payout to be sure everything is "kosher" so to speak. (particularly for that amt. of money)

I would definitely inform the insurance co. of the suspected fraud - you can do it anonymously if you so desire.


Senior Member
I made no comments on your reasons. I merely state that if you get involved, you will be involved. When there is $10 million at stake, there will be a lawsuit. You will most probably be involved in that lawsuit or one related to it as a defendant for any of a number of reasons which may or may not be true. Even if that claim has no merit, you still have to defend yourself.

Trying to stay anonomous is possible, but it would be difficult to say enough to cause a targeted investigation without also disclosing enough for the other party to know which small group of people could have started things. A deposition or two later and one of the Does on the lawsuit drops off and you are added.

Be very sure of your facts and hitch up your shorts. People don't become tranquil when they don't get $10 million they were counting on.

Dandy Don

Senior Member
Your typed letter will be the nail in the coffin, especially if you tell them everything you have posted on this message board, and if you know the names of anyone he was previously married to and where they lived, mention that as well so that they can do a complete background check on him.


Junior Member
Thank You...

A Big Hug and Thank You-for Everyone’s feedback and counsel.:)
I'd like to report that-a letter and documentation of “evidence”-have been prepared and posted to the insurance company regarding this “Fraud”. I am certain that with, all “All The Usual Pressure” that is brought on them-“TO PAY-UP” on a claim, this will be a bit of a, “Shocker”, to be given; factual reasons to take a long hard “Look” at the facts pertaining to this particular case. I think, those parties [husband & agent]-belong behind “Bars”; not rewarded for…their actions. I am-well, beyond, what is defined as “upset” but, yes, to see their “expressions” when they learn that their “clever little scam” has yielded them- ZERO GAIN, but for her[My Mom’s] children[& her grandchildren].. A GREAT LOSS.
Again, Many Thanks and Blessings to you all, who took of your time –to help out in this situation. I will keep you, informed but things like “this” seem to move so slow…if & when they-move at all…


Junior Member

This letter was not sent, anonymously. As it was pointed out, that when are issues “raised”-than those issues have got to be-“raised” by a “Someone”.
There are No “Shades” of Grey”, in the facts that were described in the letter, nor was it written in an “accusing” tone” so, as to set-off, “alarm bells” in terms of putting, “any blame” onto the insurance company, itself. The letter was proofed by someone who, works with insurance companies and understands “how to word information” for the best result.
*Shrugs* There is/was nothing of a “speculative” nature that was documented in the letter-unless, those, who may not see-Great Denizens of Wealth, coming their way for Fraud,-will sue handwriting experts, medical records-and have enough funds for Excellent Legal Representation because, as we all have seen, that with enough money,
people can get away with –A LOT.
For "those person"-to sue myself, or my sibs, would be like-shooting the messenger” just like, blaming “the insurance company” is like, blaming “the gun” for a death-not the real “Hands that Held, Aimed, and Fired the gun”. To take it a step further; one might as well-Blame, THE WHOLE THING on “Money” itself, as ultimately; people do more “Harm” for money than they do with guns or insurance companies…
It is out of my and my sibs-“hands” now; I guess we’ve done –all that can be done, legally.
The real issue will be whether, the insurance company itself, will feel the need to “pay-out”/”settle” or can, legally, “Dismiss” this claim as the Bogus Scam it is…who can say?


Junior Member
The Insurance Company actually PAID the Scumbag!

I don't know how fraud is determined but even with a falseified signature and erroneous information; the insurance company actually "paid" [settled] with this gigolo, hustler, and crook, an agreed upon settlement for this 10 million dollar policy!
He is a rich man,while my mom is dead.
There is no justice in this world.

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