Junior Member
I lived in Washington State and here is my incident....I walked out of my job on friday due to not being able to afford the commute, and today i went to apologize for not being able to continue my employment with the company. I went in today knowing that there was no benefit of me doing so other than the circumstance called for the apology. I went to the owner of the auto dealership and heard some discomforting remarks, such as: "you better watch your back" "you better hope we dont cross paths" and in front of other employees "your an embarrassment and worthless" among other things said these were the most discomforting. Is there any legal action i could take here? Not to mention on another aspect, this dealer was participating in fraudulant contracts i.e: a young couple (age 19 Jeremy/22 Rebecca) came to the dealer and worked with the full time F&I rep. The couple, not living together, plaingly put on the credit application that they resided at seperate locations. In order to manipulate the approval the sales manager and finance rep submitted the deal over to the lenders with the same residency listed to obtain an approval, not only thiat, these two young customers were forced into signing a contract that also stated false information. I am familiar with this deal becasue i unwound the deal after reviewing the contract and noticing that this was wrong.....this is exactly the kind of action that ruins the industry, are there any legal actions that can be taken here to close this store?