5 years ago we signed a contract to buy a watersoftener. we had 48 hrs. to change our minds and had to cancel in writing. when they hooked the water softener up, that same night there was something wrong with it so i called the co. but got no responce so we signed the cancellation notice and sent it back. the co. says they never got it, but about 3 months later they came up and refused to take it back, which is what they were supposed to do. instead, they replaced it when they got into our basement. we refused to pay because we cancelled in time. now it shows on our credit report. we notified the credit beau but it was never removed. i would take the co to court but they don't have a local address and have several that are not local. i was told to just wait. it will come off our report in 7 years, but in the meantime it hurts our credit. what can we do?