Junior Member I purchased something online from a scammer (just learning this). This scammer is still actively trying to scam others. The company is legally registered with the state, however, the legal address is just a mail room.
I need to get the legal physical address of the fraudster if I want to present my case in smalls claims court to get my money back. Is the mail room allowed to tell me the forwarding address of their customer? Or would I need to go to the police to pursue that information?
My bank should know where the money ($1,500) was deposited. Can they tell me which bank this fraudster was using, and can the bank give me information to track these people down?
I have a few 1-800 numbers on file. Can I get physcal addresses from these numbers?
I need to get the legal physical address of the fraudster if I want to present my case in smalls claims court to get my money back. Is the mail room allowed to tell me the forwarding address of their customer? Or would I need to go to the police to pursue that information?
My bank should know where the money ($1,500) was deposited. Can they tell me which bank this fraudster was using, and can the bank give me information to track these people down?
I have a few 1-800 numbers on file. Can I get physcal addresses from these numbers?