My ex sued me for custody about 7 months ago and lost but he is constantly threatening to do it again. Now another conflict has come up that he says reveals that I am a bad parent. I asked my ex if he would take care of my daughter's routine dental check ups while she is with him. Here's why--my daughter flies down to visit her dad once a month. Because of airline schedules, she ends up missing most of a day of school each time and I also miss most of a day of work. I also of course take time off for classroom activities and when she is sick. So I really have very to make careful use of my vacation days, and I hate for my daughter to miss any more school that she has to. Since he gets every three day holiday including what we call "conference days," all of spring break (2 weeks), and 6 weeks in the summer, I didn't think this would be a big deal. My ex refused to do it, saying, in essence, "you are the CP so it is your job." I think we are both parents and so have an equal responsibility. Just to clarify, I have taken my daughter to twice yearly check ups since age 3 and she hasn't had a single cavity.