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I have Allstate Insurance here in Kentucky. Earlier this week my speakers and amps was stolen out of my truck at my house. I dont have full coverage on the truck, but I do have homeowners. I haven't talked to them yet, but my wife did. They were very, VERY quick to just tell here that none of that stuff would be covered! Does anybody have any advice for me when I go talk to my agent monday? I have heard that as long as it wasn't attached or part of the truck to begin with it should be covered ie. a cd player installed into the dash or speakers mounted into the truck. This wasn't the case here at all. Is this true? Thanks!


Senior Member
jaysbar said:
I have Allstate Insurance here in Kentucky. Earlier this week my speakers and amps was stolen out of my truck at my house. I dont have full coverage on the truck, but I do have homeowners. I haven't talked to them yet, but my wife did. They were very, VERY quick to just tell here that none of that stuff would be covered! Does anybody have any advice for me when I go talk to my agent monday? I have heard that as long as it wasn't attached or part of the truck to begin with it should be covered ie. a cd player installed into the dash or speakers mounted into the truck. This wasn't the case here at all. Is this true? Thanks!
**A: and what did you find out after reading the fine print in your insurance policy?


Senior Member

They are going to be covered under your homeowner's policy, what is your deductible? Unless your claim is worth over a $1000 it is not wise to claim this on your homeowner's policy. Chances are you can get cancelled and you will be hard up to find another carrier who will cover you with a previous theif claim.


No it isn't covered. Allstate is very good at making you think your in good hands, when all along they are trying to get out of actually covering ANYTHING.

They dont cover any parts, equipment or accessories attached to or located on or upon any vehicle. So they don't actually cover any part of a vehicle. I brought to my agents attention that this didn't come with the vehicle. I added it. Then he proceded search for another reason they couldn't pay for my speakers. He found this.

"We do not cover any device, cellular communication system, radar signal reception system, accessory or antenna designed for reproducing, detecting, receiving, transmitting, recording or playing back data, sound or picture which may be powered by electricity from a motorized land vehicle." SHEWWWW Isn't that a way way way round-about way of describing stereo system. Read this very carefully. You see if you bought a set of speakers for your sons birthday and it was stolen from your car at your house they won't cover it because it is "powered by electricity from a vehicle." WHAT A JOKE!

Well Allstate after 7 good years together IM checking out of here. Done found some new/better insurance today. BYEEEE!


Senior Member
Not defending any particular company but you need to read your new policy well. Most states require that each and every insurance policy, home, auto, or any speciality policy have the same foremate on homeowner's and auto insurance. Also if you set up a claim with any company, you have probably been reported to CLUE and your new company will find out about it.


I have Allstate Insurance here in Kentucky. Earlier this week my speakers and amps was stolen out of my truck at my house. I dont have full coverage on the truck, but I do have homeowners. I haven't talked to them yet, but my wife did. They were very, VERY quick to just tell here that none of that stuff would be covered! Does anybody have any advice for me when I go talk to my agent monday? I have heard that as long as it wasn't attached or part of the truck to begin with it should be covered ie. a cd player installed into the dash or speakers mounted into the truck. This wasn't the case here at all. Is this true? Thanks!

It appears that you added these items to the truck after you bought the truck, (attached or part of the truck to begin with), correct? Then you installed them. They would have had to have been added to your auto policy by an endorsement, similar to adding a TV for a van conversion, oversize tires or custom rims, etc.

"Then he proceded search for another reason they couldn't pay for my speakers."
Same thing here. Because they were not factory installed.

"We do not cover any device, cellular communication system, radar signal reception system, accessory or antenna designed for reproducing, detecting, receiving, transmitting, recording or playing back data, sound or picture which may be powered by electricity from a motorized land vehicle."
Funny thing about this clause, and our policies read the same. Lets use the cell phone as the example: covered by the homeowners policy if at the time of the theft, the 12 volt power supply to the cigarette lighter for the phone was not in the vehicle. Therefore it could not be hooked into the vehicles power supply. Same thing for the other devices contained within that clause.
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I didn't have the chance to set up a claim. My slimy agent was so set on not covering ANYTHING that was stolen. He had his hart set on finding some reason not to cover everything/anything that was damaged or stolen that he just kept saying "nope, nope, ummm not that either, ohhhh sorry thats not covered either, ect...". We never filled out any type of paper work.

Yea knotcops, that clause pretty well covers everything. My agent used the example of a home stereo. It would have been covered. I said what about my laptop (which was spared for some reason). He said it was, untill I told him it was being charged by my truck at that time. "OHHHHH im sorry that wouldn't have been covered either." Allstate is very good at making "clauses/rules" to avoid actually covering anything. I say you get what you pay for. Allstate was cheaper. I now pay 200$ a year more for homeowners but they insist that my stuff would have been covered if I were with them. Ill read and make sure.

On a lighter note I have called my ex-agent to ask to make sure that my George Forman grill, gas cap, bug sheild, dishwasher, sofa, and anything else I could think of. One call per item. LOL. He was so sick of me calling him. I could just hear tension in his voice every time I called. He wanted to crawl under his desk when I walked in and told him to CANCLE EVERY BIT OF INSURANCE I HAVE WITH YOU RIGHT STINKING NOW! He was more than glad to do that and I think he finally had one good night of sleep that night.

I have only one problem. I figure Allstate has about 20$ an hour in thier labor. IM going to get $1500 out of them and have only used about 2 hours so far. So they owe me $1460. Maybe I will have them give me 300 estimates for insurance every year untill were even.

Thanks for your help guys.


Senior Member
Again most state's have the same format on how the policy is written. Give your agent a break for gosh sake and GROW UP! It would have been the same at any insurance company! It was not up to your agent on whether something was covered or not and he was probably protecting your interests in trying to keep you from filing a claim knowing there was no coverage. You can get cancelled for a theif claim and your agent knew that. Maybe next time you won't have an agent looking after your best interest!

BTW If you left that company, why are you still calling and bothering them? If you did this to me, I would hang up on you in a heartbeat! AGAIN GROW UP AND GET A LIFE!
CANCLE EVERY BIT OF INSURANCE I HAVE WITH YOU RIGHT STINKING NOW! He was more than glad to do that and I think he finally had one good night of sleep that night.
You're right. He was probably glad to be rid of you because you are an INS AGENT'S NIGHTMARE! I guarantee that you are NOT WORTH the measly few bucks he makes off you on commisson.

You actually did your agent a favor by leaving. Now I just feel sorry for the new company that gets to claim you as their customer.
Oh, and by the way, what did this new company say when you asked them if your things would have been covered under their policy?

.....Kinda takes the wind out of your sails, huh?.....


LOL... What a bunch of up tight people you all are. Its quite comical actually. Have any of you ever laughed in your life?

"Again most state's have the same format on how the policy is written." Maybe! Im nowhere near the educated know it all genius that you are. So I can assure you that I have no idea if this is true. However I can tell you that my new insurance company doesn't have that same language. My new (and better) company showed me where the equipment would have to be "attached" to the truck. Meaning a CD Player installed into a dash or speakers installed into the truck would not be covered. And amps, extra speakers (not attached), and things like that is covered. They also certainly didn't have any rules about not covering ANY 12volt equipment regardless if it was even being used.

Ohh yea and Joe. Its obvious that you are only here for flames but so you dont launch a vein trying to think of something insulting to me, allow me to assure you that I haven't called my ex agent one single time since I have gotten some real insurance. And know they didn't take the wind out of my sails at all. Thanks for you concern though.

I know that you two are more concerned with starting some sort of forum tarding secession with me rather that just move on and I dont intend to do that. So I will say this. If those items coudln't be covered by the company I choose using a policy I signed, there is absolutely nothing my agent could do about it. Even the nicest most sincere agent in the world couldn't have covered those items. This wasn't my main problem. His attitude really stinked up the place. He had not one bit of concern for what was stolen. Me learning the "real" side of my agent was a real blessing. This wasn't a real big deal. I can only imagine how he would react if I had something major stolen. ALL of the other agents I talked to warned me that I was dangerously under insured for my autos anyway. So me aggravating this guy was just exactly what he deserved. I can't really understand why he choose a job he so poor at doing.

I now have the correct amount and quality of coverage that I need. I have dealt with internet tards like you two here. I don't plan on being reactive to your simpleton style of insults. I guess you need find a poorer sport than me to insult and will actually play along. Thanks anyway!


Jaysbar, if I were you, I would have a 3rd party look over the new policy you have purchased. I find it highly unlikely that the policy language is any different than the old policy.

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