I work in a factory in Missosuri, In May I got my hand and arm stuck between a roller and a conveyor belt which smashed and damamged my ligaments and muscles pretty bad. They did not send me to a doctor when it happend... waited about two weeks before they got me in to see the company doctor. He said it would just take a while for it to heal. Then later, they sent me to a orthapedic specialist who said to wait another few months and it would heal, this doctor took x-rays! Then I was sent to another doctor and been to him twice and he tells me the same thing. I will just have to learn to live with it! Now, should I be consulting a lawyer? The company has kept me on light duty, for the most part but the arm is still hurting at times when I do certian things that didn't bother me before the accident? I don't know how much longer that they are going to allow me to stay on light duty? The only tests that have been done are the strenght tests.. and the x-rays? I am 42 years old and I am afraid that if I am not careful this is going to have some bad effects later down the road? What should I do?