Never said I was clairvoyant. Nor did I decide dad is always right. LEARN TO READ and COMPREHEND!Did not know you had "clairvoyant skills" as well and thanks for dooming my child to a life of misery based on your interpretation of a 2.5 second review of facts of the details of my case and this conviction that Dad is always right. Hope the malpractice premium is paid up
That refers to both of you.You and your ex are going to be in court until the child is 18.
Both of you.WHy? Because neither one of you want to act like adults.
Look at your posts on here. You and he are playing a game.
BOTH OF YOU.When is enough enough? When you BOTH decide to put aside the petty BS and grow up and start realizing what is the extremely important part of this whole thing!
Lets see you have had several posts and it has taken more than 2.5 seconds to get through them all.Can you guess what I am referring to? Can you? Come on profmum -- I have read ALL of your posts. I have followed your story.
You did. That is a fact.You danced around the issue of 50/50 for a long time.
Hey that is both of you as well.You demanded to leave the country every year and then he returned the favor by scheduling his vacation according to the court order you AGREED to and then you decided you needed to go back to court on that point and file a motion. Now he is filing a motion.
How much clearer can I get?This is not one-sided.
Again, BOTH OF YOU. Not just you.This is two immature little kids who want to play tit for tat and use the child as a weapon.
I do feel sorry for your child because I have seen children put through this BS because the parents refuse to be adults. They refuse to communicate. And the one it ends up hurting is the child that loves BOTH parents. Hey note the word BOTH again.I feel sorry for the child.
Again, referring to you and dad.BOTH OF YOU need locked in a room together until you can both grow up and learn to communicate.
Again referring to both of you. Yet I am saying dad is a victim? Where did I say dad was a victim? You asked a question and I answered. But you refuse to try and comprehend. As for disliking you, I do not. I dislike your behavior. I dislike the fact that you are going to be subjecting your child to a tug of war and tearing the child apart for many years because you and dad (Hey it is BOTH OF YOU AGAIN -- what do you know) can't seem to act like adults and are participating in a game of "Do what I want or I will take my ball and go home" third grade level of play. I would hope that you would be able to correct your behavior and make it positive for your child but you refuse to acknowledge that you may have done anything wrong. Instead, you constantly go on the defensive and attack. Nice. As JJ said, you are just affirming my opinion of you. Which is that no matter how much education you claim, you can't see the big picture -- you are too concentrated on getting the better of dad and missing the part that your child should be the most important person. You can't change dad but you can change how you react. And, you know what, if you did that, things might get better. They really might. At least they might get better for your child. The fact that you do not do that and continue playing this stupid tit for tat does say a lot about your parenting skills -- they are getting lost in your need to best dad -- someone who your child loves. Someone who your child deserves to have a relationship with. Someone your child deserves to spend time with. Instead though we don't hear about your child. We hear constantly about you and your attitude towards dad. And that IS NOT and SHOULD NOT be the reason for any custody battle. Hence why I do not think too highly of your parenting skills.Which at the rate the TWO OF YOU are going that won't be until you are both broke, your child is 18 or one of you dies. Good job.
Never said I was clairvoyant. Nor did I decide dad is always right. LEARN TO READ and COMPREHEND!
That refers to both of you.
Both of you.
Lets see you have had several posts and it has taken more than 2.5 seconds to get through them all.
You did. That is a fact.
Hey that is both of you as well.
How much clearer can I get?
Again, BOTH OF YOU. Not just you.
I do feel sorry for your child because I have seen children put through this BS because the parents refuse to be adults. They refuse to communicate. And the one it ends up hurting is the child that loves BOTH parents. Hey note the word BOTH again.
Again, referring to you and dad.
Again referring to both of you. Yet I am saying dad is a victim? Where did I say dad was a victim? You asked a question and I answered. But you refuse to try and comprehend. As for disliking you, I do not. I dislike your behavior. I dislike the fact that you are going to be subjecting your child to a tug of war and tearing the child apart for many years because you and dad (Hey it is BOTH OF YOU AGAIN -- what do you know) can't seem to act like adults and are participating in a game of "Do what I want or I will take my ball and go home" third grade level of play. I would hope that you would be able to correct your behavior and make it positive for your child but you refuse to acknowledge that you may have done anything wrong. Instead, you constantly go on the defensive and attack. Nice. As JJ said, you are just affirming my opinion of you. Which is that no matter how much education you claim, you can't see the big picture -- you are too concentrated on getting the better of dad and missing the part that your child should be the most important person. You can't change dad but you can change how you react. And, you know what, if you did that, things might get better. They really might. At least they might get better for your child. The fact that you do not do that and continue playing this stupid tit for tat does say a lot about your parenting skills -- they are getting lost in your need to best dad -- someone who your child loves. Someone who your child deserves to have a relationship with. Someone your child deserves to spend time with. Instead though we don't hear about your child. We hear constantly about you and your attitude towards dad. And that IS NOT and SHOULD NOT be the reason for any custody battle. Hence why I do not think too highly of your parenting skills.
You do know that OG is a GAL, right? that means she has submitted to some kind of training that teaches (and i know i am down playing her education/experience, etc.) her how to watch parental interaction and evaluate its effects on the children.
she is a qualified (paid) observer. SHE WORKS FOR THE CHILDREN, NOT THE PARENTS.
you also know that if the court ordered you and your husband (maybe they already have, i do not know your story) to obtain something like a GAL you would pay for it. big bucks.
You asked a question: When will this end?
She gave an answer. Moreover, her response gave you a tedius breakdown on the action/reaction sceanario that, again, you would pay big bucks for should you seek this kind of service from another source as highly qualified and recommended.
everyone else was really gentle and backed up your side. OG (and probably others, but please, your issue right now is OG) gave you a rather slam dunk on the situation and you took issue to it.
and then you came back with a fluffy politically correct response on why her unpaid, highly qualified, meticulous and SOLICITED response did not apply to you or work for you..
so, here is the REAL question:
Do you wan this chaos to stop or do you get some kind of high off of the morbid cycle.
if you are not dicking around and really want it to stop, swallow your pride and dispassionately review what you have been given. if you need suggestions/feedback/ideas on how to stop YOUR side of the chaos, ask again.
if you do not. don't.
but it will not stop until somone grows up and ... well, STOPS.
i do not want to offend you but i suppose i have. i am not upset with you, i don't want to upset you. i am really trying to help you think about what you are thinking about!
"Help" huh? See, that is the attitude that gets you in trouble. She didnt' pat you on the back, and you got sarcastic and assinine. You will be in court until your child is 18. At which point your child will most likely be fed up with BOTH you and dad (see there is the BOTH again) and say BYE BYE to the bull**** you are engaging in.hon... appreciate the "help", really do..
Don't worry about it, JJ. One of these days she will learn. Or not.rejected again. <sigh>
And the shame of it Silver is she doesn't care. She wants nothing more than pats on the back and cheers. She wants to be told that dad is the devil and how dare he question her. Oh well.This entire thread is yet another validation of my decision to leave profmum alone in her Colorado legal struggle. She's too bitchy, too vindictive, and doesn't learn or grow or change. She does not acknowledge Dad as a human being, the permanent father of their child.
In other words, not worth my time and not worth my CO experience/help.
4 LONG years of continual filings....continual attempts to remove custody...continual allegations. 5 attorneys, 2 forensic evaluators, a rebuttal forensic evaluator, a Minor's Attorney, therapists all the way around, 4 false CPS reports, 6 home welfare checks, $180,000.00, endless harassment/multiple ROs.Thanks for all of the kudos ...
That said, I think it's HIGHLY unlikely that a 'review of parenting responsibility' would EVER be spurred by frivolous motions on anyone's part. Yes, he may eventually be ordered to shut the hell up as Casa's NuttyX was ordered to do... but I sincerely doubt it would ever affect custody or parenting time.
Your ex is an ass. But you're letting him get to you.... YOU can stop the madness on YOUR time. You really can.
I agree w/LdiJ. Fire your attorney. Respond to his motions as he files them. Keep records of stuff, pay attention. Parent your child. Refuse to engage w/him. Find a different headspace. With the one you're in, OG is right... you'll NEVER get out of court.
4 LONG years of continual filings....continual attempts to remove custody...continual allegations. 5 attorneys, 2 forensic evaluators, a rebuttal forensic evaluator, a Minor's Attorney, therapists all the way around, 4 false CPS reports, 6 home welfare checks, $180,000.00, endless harassment/multiple ROs.
In the end he had 2 attorneys quit on him & it ALL resulted in him NO LONGER being able to have Decision (Joint Legal) and he can only return to court if I DIE or am INCARCERATED.