<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nancy0314:
Thanks for your reply IAAL
However, you are capitulating to the bandwidth hogging, password stealing, credit card fraud theive if you simply ignore the problem with filtering software. What if a new client tried to email you and your software filtered it out becuase of "keyword"? And then that also neglects those not tech saavy enough to use that software. And then there's the problem with the delete key...Spam is often addresses in ways that are deceptive to say the least to make you think you really should open it. Agreed...50% of spammers do not use that method but a good portion do. You must also think it's ok to have to buy a phone number fax filtering device from Radio Shack to prevent your fax machine from being overwhelmed with junk mail which has already been made illegal. Spam should face the same fate and not just be ignored. Thanks. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
My response:
You see, I am not capitulating to anything. I think spammers have a right to say what they want, when they want, or how they want. It's not their fault that the technology has failed, or has not progressed to the point of being able to handle all forms of communication. I guess it all depends on whether one thinks the issue is worth being a crusader about. In my humble opinion, it's not a matter of being complacent about . . . the way things are suits me just fine. In my law practice, I have much larger battles to be concerned about, so I'll let you be the one, on this issue, to write to your congressperson and get some new, stiffer, laws in place that will narrow ALL OF OUR freedom of speech, and other First Amendment Rights. You see, as long as I have a "delete" key, or a channel changer, or a waste basket for "occupant" mail, or any other number of "communications," I will use those rather than IMPEDE or IMPINGE my First Amendment Rights, or even YOURS. You have THE RIGHT to talk and spread your version to whomever you feel will read it. It's your right of expression and your right to exercise your right to Freedom of Speech. I can, and I will, use my delete key. Hundreds of thousands have died over the years for that Right. I will not be the one to discount that right - - because to do so is to minimalize it, and to say to all of our brave men and woman, from Revolutionary Boston, to Gettysburg, to Iwo Jima, to Korea and to Vietnam, "You died for nothing."
Let the technology catch up.
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[This message has been edited by I AM ALWAYS LIABLE (edited June 13, 2000).]