My wife and I recently had our first child. She was @1 month premature. While in the hospital, the pediatrician who was providing care ordered a 10 day antibiotic treatment be given for infection. The doctor DID NOT order a blood test BEFOREhand to confirm whether an infection was actually present. The doctor then left on vacation and turned her patients over to another doctor. After 5 days, we were informed about the initial blood test not being done. As a result, the replacement doctor called an infection control specialist in to consult on the case. Several additional tests were performed and the IV antibiotics were continued. The specialist told us there was NO WAY to determine whether our daughter had actually had an infection because the initial test was not ordered. She said that blood tests done after treatment had been started would not be accurate.
My daughter spent 11 days in the hospital and we have no way of knowing whether it was necessary.
My qusetion is this...If I report these errors to the insurance company and they decide NOT to pay some of the extra charges due to this error, does the responsibility to pay fall back to me? I am afraid to report this to the insurance company in case I would be required to pay more money myself.
My daughter spent 11 days in the hospital and we have no way of knowing whether it was necessary.
My qusetion is this...If I report these errors to the insurance company and they decide NOT to pay some of the extra charges due to this error, does the responsibility to pay fall back to me? I am afraid to report this to the insurance company in case I would be required to pay more money myself.