If a general partner mails stock certicates to a IRA Custodian and the certificates never make it to the Custodian. Who is resposible for the replacement fee of this certificate?
Does the general partner have to prove that we received these shares with our signature?
More info: The Custodian never was aware of the stock being issued until years later when the general partner is now requesting all certificate be returned for final payout. This general partner is now having a Transfer agent process all transactions on these shares and the transfer agent is requesting fees to replace the certificates.
Does the general partner have to prove that we received these shares with our signature?
More info: The Custodian never was aware of the stock being issued until years later when the general partner is now requesting all certificate be returned for final payout. This general partner is now having a Transfer agent process all transactions on these shares and the transfer agent is requesting fees to replace the certificates.