Junior Member
What is the name of your state?/ california
My daughter is 17,attending college and working...and will turn 18 in 6 weeks. She has been living with her father and step mother for the past 9 years and visiting with me, her mother twice a week and every other weekend. We shared joint legal custody, with physical custody to her father. Since June, I've seen her once. Her work schedule and college life keep her busy and when she's not working, her step mother alwaays has something for her to do around the house so she can't come and see me. I've gone as far as taking the police with me to pick her up, but they don't have any say in family matters. He was held in contempt of court twice for the same thing and yet here we are again no visitation. Last week I moved out of state with my current husband and baby, figuring things weren't going to change anytime before she turned 18, so why delay the moving plans any longer. She could just come and see me when she turned 18. Well, two days after I moved, her father died unexpectedly. So I come back to be there for my daughter and she's still not allowed to spend any time at all with me according to her step mother. Legally, do I not have sole custody now with his untimely death? The step mother has no legal say in when I see my daughter does she? Now she's saying I can't come to the funeral because she doesn't want me there. I want to be there for my daughter who feels like she's lost both parents in the same week. Legally she can't keep me away can she?
My daughter is 17,attending college and working...and will turn 18 in 6 weeks. She has been living with her father and step mother for the past 9 years and visiting with me, her mother twice a week and every other weekend. We shared joint legal custody, with physical custody to her father. Since June, I've seen her once. Her work schedule and college life keep her busy and when she's not working, her step mother alwaays has something for her to do around the house so she can't come and see me. I've gone as far as taking the police with me to pick her up, but they don't have any say in family matters. He was held in contempt of court twice for the same thing and yet here we are again no visitation. Last week I moved out of state with my current husband and baby, figuring things weren't going to change anytime before she turned 18, so why delay the moving plans any longer. She could just come and see me when she turned 18. Well, two days after I moved, her father died unexpectedly. So I come back to be there for my daughter and she's still not allowed to spend any time at all with me according to her step mother. Legally, do I not have sole custody now with his untimely death? The step mother has no legal say in when I see my daughter does she? Now she's saying I can't come to the funeral because she doesn't want me there. I want to be there for my daughter who feels like she's lost both parents in the same week. Legally she can't keep me away can she?