Kelly Burr
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? NV. My husband is permanently disabled, for the past 6 years....He is ONLY getting disability payments. When the "children" were in their late twenties, she came after him for child support. After the county decided they would not pursue the issue, she looked into CSE9Child Support Enforcement), and after realizing the cicumstances, decided that they also would not be able to collect, and she has hooked up with another outside agency.My question is how long can this go on? I know she is on the hook for whatever she agreed to with the agencies, and is looking for the money to take care of that. CSE has intercepted MANY of my tax refunds, stimulis payments, etc. and I have had a bugger of a time getting those back, if at all. For the 12 years after they were divorced, she never mentioned child support to him, because the children were already on their own, but when we decided to get married, she thought that maybe it was time....We went to court, and he was making timely payments up until his accident. When she realized she would not get anything from us, she sought other means of collection. Any help would be great. Thanx for listening.....