Wacky isn't quite how I'd describe what I've been reading about ICWA lately...
I don't know what percentage indian biomom is, but I do know that biomom's mother is an actual registered member of their tribe, and that both baby and biomom are eligible for membership, and that the tribe is willing to interfere.
Courtdate to determine the applicability of ICWA is set for 09/27, and there is no longer a hearing set for the permanant guardianship. back in January, the judge ordered me, the aunt&uncle and biomom to get custodial evaluations by a psychiatrist, but the Dr.couldn't meet the deadline, and the hearing was continued "generally". It wasn't the Dr.'s fault- aunt&uncle won't go to all of their sessions, and biomom has never even started the sessions, and a hearing won't get set until the Dr. submits a report and reccomendation. Now they're all saying that they don't have to anymore because the case will go to tribal court where it won't matter anyway. The Dr. says that some parties never finish, and just stop pursuing their cases. they seem to want to continue the case, but not complete the custody eval. How long do you think somebody should have to complete an evaluation of 5 sessions?