Hello, i am a resident of Jersey county in Illinois. I am currently having problems with my neighbor. My wife and i decided to construct an 8 foot privacy fence to block our view of him. The fence is 6 inches back from the property line 175 feet long. I called the jersey county building inspector and found out that there are no county ordinances regarding fence construction since i do not live within city limits. I next checked with the court house to see if any cvenants existed regarding fences and none do. I also called the township road commissioner to see if i was breaking any laws rearding the fence. I got the ok from everyone i could think of. Once construction began, my neighbor came by and told the worker that unless the finished boards were put on his side of the fence he would take me to court. I continued to have the entire fence put on my side of it. Does he have any legal ground to sue me? I have never heard that the finished side of a fence must face your neighbor. I think he is just threatening to be a jerk. If he goes to the court clerk and initiates a suit, does he have to list a law or convenant being broken or is it true you can sue anyone for anything?