I was employed by a firm for seven months(in Tennessee) I started on the shop floor and was moved to the office to answer phones then put in sales "to take advantage of my brain" the person I worked under on the shop floor did not like this a s I now had to ask him questions about production etc. I asked the boss to mention in our next production meeting that I was now in sales which he agreed to do (3 times !!) he did not mention this at all, the person on the shop floor told a lot of lies about me to the boss and he in turn told my husband (he works there too) the boss went as far as to mention these lies to my husbands family overseas (they own this firm the boss here is a minority share holder) this boss even added some of his own lies to the circulated lies - never was I questioned. The boss wanted my husband to get me to leave he told him to do it himself - 1 month later I asked for and received a pay rise where the boss told me he admired my tenacity and stick-to-itness and at Christmas I had a bonus. The boss had not spoken to me since and just ignored me, the shop floor worker became ever more unbearable and I tried talking to my imediate supervisot about his aggressive behaviour where I was told I don't want to get involved, the boss and my supervisor told my husband (also management) not to get involved as it would look like nepotism, well they let this bullyboy be their whipping boy, I had enough one day and called my in laws abroad to complain about this character (he has intimidated most of the people who work there and has run off three people to date)the boss told my in laws this guy waas an asset tothe company and they had never had any problems until I was there, my husband went out of town the next week and I was off sick on the Monday (I called in) and came in late on the Tuesday (I called to let them know I would be late) when I got in my personl possesions were in a box and my password in the computer was invalid, the boss saw me and ran off to lunch without so much as a bye or leave. I wrote him a note asking him to call me at home and explain why my desk was boxed up etc, he said no one knew where I was and assumed I no longer wanted the job - I pointed out I had called in, he then asked me if I wanted my job upon which I replied yes but he would have to pull his head out of his A## with regards to the bully - he then said "Well if you put me in the position I have no choice but to let you go" I asked him to put this in writing and he noted I was being terminated for being unable or unwilling to be a team player. He later admited to my husband it was personal and has since denied that too - he has done nothing but lie consistently. He even had the gall to say to my husband "Well I tried to tell you about this 6 months ago" before my pay rise and bonus. I am told Tennessee is a right to work state although I don't know what that means - do I have a case for unfair dismissal/slander or discrimination I would like to pursue him personally and not the company but if you need a faster horse - get one I say . Thank you