I am from California. I work for consulting firm who hires people like me on contracts to F500 companies, sometimes via 3rd party agencies, which is a common practice. In reality I only get paid when I work on such contracts for other parties.
3 months ago, after 14 weeks of exemplary and praised work, I was summarily fired (by phone), while I worked on such a contract for a big, international company (say XCO). My supervisor at XCO was ordered by his boss (Divisional President), whom I had no direct dealings with, to “shoot me”.
Just a few days earlier I was praised by my supervisor and he indicated that my contract will likely be extended from end of June till end of the year (2001). Yet, I was dismissed on Feb 14th, without ANY WRITTEN or OFFICIAL explanation, complaint or whatsoever. It was as if I never existed.
But I had a WRITTEN CONTRACT for this job. I signed a lot of papers. It was not “at will” arrangement in such case, was it?
Contract talked about 30 days notice in one place, in other place about 2 weeks notice. Of course, should I do anything illegal, wrong etc., I could be fired immediately.
But I DID NOT DO ANYTHING WRONG. This is why I got nothing in writing, even though I asked for reasons and written termination notice. I was advised to “take high moral ground” and keep quiet.
Aren’t all these extensive and expensive laws suppose to protect little guys like me from big and powerful, whimsical bosses?
Any chance of getting even 2 weeks notice pay, never mind till end of my already extended contract period (4.5 months) or implied end of year (10.5 months)?
How could I find a lawyer who would be willing to research this case and hopefully make good money on “contingency” basis?
3 months ago, after 14 weeks of exemplary and praised work, I was summarily fired (by phone), while I worked on such a contract for a big, international company (say XCO). My supervisor at XCO was ordered by his boss (Divisional President), whom I had no direct dealings with, to “shoot me”.
Just a few days earlier I was praised by my supervisor and he indicated that my contract will likely be extended from end of June till end of the year (2001). Yet, I was dismissed on Feb 14th, without ANY WRITTEN or OFFICIAL explanation, complaint or whatsoever. It was as if I never existed.
But I had a WRITTEN CONTRACT for this job. I signed a lot of papers. It was not “at will” arrangement in such case, was it?
Contract talked about 30 days notice in one place, in other place about 2 weeks notice. Of course, should I do anything illegal, wrong etc., I could be fired immediately.
But I DID NOT DO ANYTHING WRONG. This is why I got nothing in writing, even though I asked for reasons and written termination notice. I was advised to “take high moral ground” and keep quiet.
Aren’t all these extensive and expensive laws suppose to protect little guys like me from big and powerful, whimsical bosses?
Any chance of getting even 2 weeks notice pay, never mind till end of my already extended contract period (4.5 months) or implied end of year (10.5 months)?
How could I find a lawyer who would be willing to research this case and hopefully make good money on “contingency” basis?