california: i had asked for advice on the 19th about recvng a 3 day notice about having cats, that was okayed in writtng by the formr manager. now i am back for more advice
it has been 5days and i hadnt heard anything about the notice until ystrday night at 9:30p when the mangr comes to my door w/another 3day notice,this time it had the cats on there and also that i have an unauthorized occupant in my aptmnt, the person they are talkng about is my boyfrind who comes over all the time and sometms spends the night, but he doent live here, also they say that this has been contiouous snce january 2001 and that the witness is the new manger,which i think is really funny, becase she has only been here since april 2001(and i have the letter of new manager stating that) i feel am being discrimated aganst because of my race. there r about 10 people in here who have cats and they are not of the same race as me and also many other people who have boyfrnds and girlfrnds that come over, just as mine does. this is really getting out of hand and i would love some advice.
it has been 5days and i hadnt heard anything about the notice until ystrday night at 9:30p when the mangr comes to my door w/another 3day notice,this time it had the cats on there and also that i have an unauthorized occupant in my aptmnt, the person they are talkng about is my boyfrind who comes over all the time and sometms spends the night, but he doent live here, also they say that this has been contiouous snce january 2001 and that the witness is the new manger,which i think is really funny, becase she has only been here since april 2001(and i have the letter of new manager stating that) i feel am being discrimated aganst because of my race. there r about 10 people in here who have cats and they are not of the same race as me and also many other people who have boyfrnds and girlfrnds that come over, just as mine does. this is really getting out of hand and i would love some advice.