I live in Utah and was moving up very quickly in a software company. I started as a sales rep for healthcare and was promoted to Project Manager after six months (with a 50% INCREASE in pay). I was then promoted to Product Manager after another 3 months. I didn't apply for these positions but was asked to take over the duties after the current person was not cutting it. I again recivied a 12% increase in pay. Then my employer found out I was under the treatment for Cancer and relatede Acute Renal Failure. He constantly cut down my work and put tons of preasure on me. I was still working an average of 70 hrs a week (Documented) and was doing better than any other PM in the past. I went in for a treatment that casued me to miss a day of work. I called in and resedualed all my responsabilities. After my release from the hospital I was informed I was being fired. I am not sure if I should go to the EEOC or get a lawyer.