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15 year old exposed to sexually suggestive photos on facebook

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Maryland

I have not been able to see my 3 older children for almost 2 years. I am currently in the process of waiting for papers that I filed so I can serve their mother. We had an open shared custody arrangement that was working well for about 10 years, but when I started dating my girlfriend, she refused to let me see the kids. (My girlfriend is not a bad person at all. I believe it was just out of sheer jealousy.) First she started making up excuses and then she started creating rumors. It has gone on and on. My children truly believe that I do not love them and she has blocked me from my daughter's e-mail and cell phone. My sister-in-law has access to my ex's facebook account, as well as my daughter’s (she's 15), and some friends that they all share together. On my daughter's friend's list is my ex-wife's best friend, Mary. My daughter hangs out with Mary a lot. She’s is 28 and very ummm, let’s just say “sexually adventurous.” Mary likes to post pictures of herself half naked, and with other girl's, making out and other suggestive photos. My ex wife is in some of these pictures as well.
I don't care who my ex wife is friends with. And I don't believe Mary is totally brainwashing my daughter, but I do not approve of my impressionable 15 year old seeing these pictures. Mary and my ex also like to make jokes about me (on facebook where everyone, including my daughter can see), saying I'm a dead beat dad and that I don't care about my kids.

Sorry for the run around paragraphs. I just wanted to be sure I included as much info as possible.

My question is, when all of this goes to court in a few months, can I bring any of this up and ask that my daughter's computer access be more closely monitored? Also, will any of this be relevant in court? I'm only asking for court ordered visitation dates, not full custody.

From what I understand, my daughter also has pictures up of her and her friends acting sexual and her mom knows this and almost seems to encourage it by leaving comments.

Thanks in advance, for any advice!What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?


Queen Bee
You believe your children are brainwashed even though you haven't seen them in two years? Before now when did you first file in court to enforce visitation? Have you spoken to your children on the phone or do you just monitor Mary's facebook photos and make assumptions?


Junior Member
no, for 2 years I've been trying to see and talk to my kids. I saw my daughter and son last summer for 2 days and regardless of how much I told them I loved them, they didn't believe me. I didn't want to sit there and tell them that their mother is a bad person and was wrong. I don't believe in downgrading the other parent, regardless of what they are doing. Their mother has done this once before and after a few months she came around. I didn't want to stir the waters before but now its just ridiculous. I tried to file papers last year and the court didn't give me the right paperwork and I didn't know until well after I filed and served her. I didn't want it to take this long. But court is money and I don't have much. I'd love to see my kids. As much as possible! I love them more then anything and that should go without saying.
I'm not trying to cause trouble! I just don't think its right that my daughter is being exposed to this and I was just wondering if when it went to court, I could request that it be stopped! What is the harm in that?? I'm not using it to be devious and get full custody. I'm just trying to protect my kids and apparently, no one will let me!!! Or I guess I just don’t have any say and am just a sperm donor. I hate to tell you people, but some fathers actually care about their kids. And some father’s aren’t trying to make their kid’s mom’s life a living hell. Some of us just want peace and be able to be involved in our kid’s lives.

And I didn't say they were brainwashed!! And how am I making assumptions? I don’t think I’m the one making assumptions here… Nevermind.

Thanks SO much for your help and criticism. I’ve tried for nearly 2 years to see my kids. 2 YEARS. Do you have even the slightest idea of how much that hurts?? Yes, I think it’s a ridiculous amount of time. But the only thing I can do is take legal action and I guess its my fault that the courts like to take forever. Or maybe its just my fault that lawyers cost too much.


Senior Member
... I’ve tried for nearly 2 years to see my kids. 2 YEARS. ....
I’m calling “liar, liar, pant’s on fire” on this, OR you really don’t miss the kids as much as you profess…

You can file contempt in MD without an attorney fairly easily. You can get the forms online. You can check case status online. Depending on the county, you are generally looking at 4-8 months from filing for a hearing date.

You either never filed anything, or didn’t follow up AT ALL.

Point being: File for Contempt now(so you can get back to the regularly scheduled visitation), and work on building a relationship with your kids.


Junior Member
I'm not trying to attack you, but I'm really sick of people saying I don't miss my kids. I'd do anything for them. And I'm trying. The court system is not easy to understand. That's why people go to school for it.

I didn't file contempt at first, and that's mainly where I messed up. I'm filing contempt now. I don't know how to get forms or check statuses online, but if you'd tell me the website, I'd appreciate it. I live in PG County. I've looked online, but all I can find is the court website and they only seem to give you the basics. I'd love to know how to check statuses online.


Senior Member
I'm not trying to attack you, but I'm really sick of people saying I don't miss my kids. I'd do anything for them...
Except pick up the phone, or go to the courthouse, to follow up?:rolleyes:

I’ll give you the benefit of a very big doubt, ‘specially since Google took all of 5 seconds:rolleyes: to get the forms by typing in “Maryland family law forms”:

Maryland Judiciary - Family Administration

And if you google “Maryland judiciary case search”, you get this:

Maryland Judiciary Case Search


Junior Member
I have been following up. And I have been going to the courthouse. And I have been trying to call them in hopes that I'll get through. I went to their house and ex called the cops on me and wouldn't let me see my kids. And I send her e-mails on a dailly basis and I do much much more. I'm sorry I didn't type out my ENTIRE story. Oh, and I guess I better also say that I have been paying my child support. And I do send gifts constantly, since that is the ONLY way I can contact them.

I don't need the legal forms anymore. I went to the courthouse and got them. AMAZING! I just didn't know the first time that they didn't staple everything in the packet and the paralegal didn't tell me anything was missing when they helped me fill out the forms.

Maryland Judiciary Case Search does not list all custody/ divorce cases. I've tried that many times. I know other people who have filed cases and theirs doesn't show up either. Thanks anyway.


Senior Member
301-952-3318 is the # of the PG county courthouse general information line, which could get you to the Clerk to check case status. Easy Peasy...

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