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abandonded or not?

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What is the name of your state? California

We have a scofflaw here that stores his car on the street , 4 months to date before the first ticket despite numerous calls to parking enforcement.

When he receives a "ticket" to move it or lose it he works on it for an hour, then still practically shoves it about 50 feet, then leaves it again sometimes taking the car battery with him!

Trouble is the 72hr. law in our city extends around here to about 30 days before they get around to doing anything about such vehicles.

We cannot get a consistent story from the city dept. on how legal this "cat and mouse" game is.

How can we as residents insist the city do something about this guy once and for all?


who's Carl?

Shay-Pari'e said:

Carl answered this question for you already. You should consider moving. You have alot of issues with alot of people.

No one has answered this question for me, not even "Carl". I asked for help with this particular issue 2 times in June. Hello Anybody there?

Also, we do not have alot of issues with alot of people. Just the reverse. Alot of people have alot of issues with ONE DRUG DEALING FAMILY.
We have threatened to sue the landlord.
LAPD denies knowing about any drug activity...after telling US about them in the first place over the course of 5 years. All of the sudden...they have no record?
WE ARE intending to move as are 2 other neighbors that is why we have to get this CRAP out of the line of sight of prospective buyers.
SO, perhaps an answer? They repeatedly park the vehicle illegally.
If you don't have the knowledge to answer don't make something up, to cover it up.
God knows our ISSUES are full of deceitful people.


Senior Member
#5 06-27-2006, 04:35 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: California
Posts: 9,166

Originally Posted by annegg
What is the name of your state? California

Does anyone know how and when the "new" 72hr./Abandon Car ordinance will take effect?
We have had trucks sitting unmoved on our streets for months (prior the owners willl just sit and wait for a warning then move them across the street> In the meantime local troublemakers hang out in them and party.)
The offices don't answer the phone to take reports anymore.
The police arrive too late and look at us like we are troublemakers since the partyers are long gone.

Any light at the end of the tunnel?What is the name of your state?

Even if they adopt a 72 hour abatement program, this does not mean that instantly every derelict vehicle will disappear. These things take time and involve contracts with tow companies, and a lot of record keeping.

- Carl


Senior Member
annegg said:
How can we as residents insist the city do something about this guy once and for all?
You can hassle the parking enforcement people until you are blue in the face. Often times the squeaky wheel gets the grease. But, be sure to spread the complaints around between the neighbors. If they see the complaint coming only from you, they will likely blow it off as a single disgruntled neighbor.

But, before the city can do anything, the person responsible for the vehicle has to violate some city ordinance or state law authorizing the impound. Unless your locale has a municipal code authorizing the impounding of inoperative vehicles, as long as it is validly registered and they move the vehicle when warned re: 72 hours, there is little that CAN be done.

The city can't just take it because you are offended by its presence.

- Carl


Senior Member
annegg said:
We have threatened to sue the landlord.
That is actually quite an effective method of dealing with property owners of problem properties.

Here is an organization that might be of help: http://www.safestreets.org/

There are many others like it, but this is one of the oldest.

LAPD denies knowing about any drug activity...after telling US about them in the first place over the course of 5 years. All of the sudden...they have no record?
Because someone got smart and decided they could get sued for passing on unconfirmed allegations about others. Or, you spoke to different people who decided that it was not a good idea to pass on what they know about who ... or they didn't know.

SO, perhaps an answer? They repeatedly park the vehicle illegally.
Keep reporting the problem. But you can't make the city remove it if there is no law authorizing them to do so.

- Carl

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