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Auto Insurance

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I have a question about Auto Insurance. My ex wife through our separation agreement got her 2001 PT Cruiser. She was to maintain insurance on it through the divorce but has failed to do so. So I kept it insured until the divorce was final about a month ago. She hasn't purchased insurance as far as I know. She hasn't agreed to meet so we can sign over everything from the agreement. I got the house, a truck and my Mustang. She keeps saying that she doesn't have to sign anything. Per the agreement I have paid off the loan for the car.

Now my problem is my name is still on the car she's driving. Can I be held partially or fully liable for any claims against the car? Our agreement states that we each are fully responsible for the things we received in the agreement. But could I still be sued if something happens?

Also, I'm pretty positive she doesn't have insurance on it. But she is telling people that I was supposed to pay her insurance and that her mom added the car to her policy. I haven't been responsible for the insurance since September of 2009. Can her mom add a car to her policy if her name is not on the car? The car is still in both my wife's name and my name. I was told she could if she was the primary driver but my ex wife lives a block from me. I know my ex and her BF are the only ones driving the car. Should I report this to be on the safe side? She has my children and I don't want her driving around with no insurance. Any help? Thanks


Senior Member
Now my problem is my name is still on the car she's driving. Can I be held partially or fully liable for any claims against the car?

But could I still be sued if something happens?
Again... yes.

Very simple.... ask her to provide you with a copy of the insurance coverage... or at least the contact information for the agent.


Senior Member
Until you get your name off the registration and the title, you should keep it on your insurance, since you obviously can't trust her to keep insurance on it herself.


Thanks for the quick replys. I figured I could still be held liable with my name still on the car. She wants to trade it in asap so I don't think I'll have much longer to go.

Back to my other issues. Can her mom put a car, that isn't titled or registered to her, on her policy? And if my ex is lying about the insurance; would it be in my best interest to report her? I really don't want to but if she's driving our girls around in an uninsured vehicle I don't think I have a choice.

My ex is very irresponsible. She told me today that it failed inspection. So she may also be driving around in an uninspected vehicle too. I'm hoping I get a chance to see it tomorrow to atleast check the inspection. All this and she calls me a deadbeat!!!


Senior Member
Mom could if your ex was living with her and was listed as the primary driver. If ex is not living with mom, then they shouldn't be able to share the policy.


Mom could if your ex was living with her and was listed as the primary driver. If ex is not living with mom, then they shouldn't be able to share the policy.
She doesn't live with her mom. She lives about a block from where I live. I'm kinda torn on what to do. Even though she would report me in a heartbeat.


Put the vehicle back on your policy and don't worry about it.
Im calling my insurance company today. It may be a moot point but I believe the insurance has now lapsed for 30 days. She may not be able to drive it anyway. I am going to call PennDOT today and find out if there has been a lapse in their system. I know when I canceled my policy at the end of February I recieved a letter 2 weeks later form PennDOT. I had to provide them proof that I had insurance and that it had not lapsed for more than 30 days. I didn't recieve anything for her car but she is on the registration first. I would think that it would go to her address. I guess i'll find out later today. Thanks for the replies.

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