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counselor creating mayhem!

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Junior Member
I posted a thread concerning the actions of a couselor. We were ordered into counseling to learn how to better communicate. that is all we were ordered to do. ex decided to involve malicious and fabricated claims. soon the focus of the sessions turned into a defense session of the claims for which I had to pay him up front just to say the claim was bogus and here's my proof. The counselor then shows up in court on a day we were just suppose to set a hearing date and claims he must testify right then (although he had not been called to testify for anything) because this was scheduling day, my attorney was needed in another court and could not cross examine this man.

I will never make enough money to meet this counselor demands that everytime ex brings up a "concern" i have to drop what I am doing and bring him cash just to to defend myself. When I refused to come to his office after the last claim and take him 200 dollars, he wrote a letter to the GAL stating the claims that the ex made. He offered no method of proof or truth finding but simply stated actions should be taken because I "strategically denied ex claims!" well of course I did! The claims against me were petty and part of any normal childhood life, such as one child got a small dime sized fungus infection on his skin, which could have been gotten from school, gym mats, etc. This couselor wrote that I health and hygeine issues in my home! He has never, nor has the GAL ever visited my home. He also wrote that on two occations one child gained 7-8 pounds in the 30 waking hours that he was with me because ex said so! well this is metabolically impossible for a normal active healthy child. He would have to eat 933.33 calories every hour for 30 above and beyond his daily requirement of 2500 cal to gain like that. that's 57 big macs he would have to down in 30 hours.

Because of this letter, which he sent a copy to ex, ex denied my last visitation with my children stateing that a "judgement call was made by this letter alone. Mind you a judge never pulled my visits nor did the GAL suggest pulling my visits

Can I file charges against this man?
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I am a counselor in the state of Utah and every state has a department of public liscensing our is called DOPL. You can submit a complaint to them and they will investigate what you claim.
If it is found that he is not being ethical they will take action and provide information to the court. You should document everything that is said. You can take notes while in a session that is about you and you are paying for. You can also request a copy of the progress notes that have been made in each session. You pay for them so he/she can't with hold that information.
I would not tell him/her I would just report it and let your state agency take care of the problem.
You can also go to your states web-site and it can tell you if he has had any disciplinary charges or has been in trouble before for miss conduct.
Good Luck


Tennessee......How is your case going Ann's grandma? I
am interested because ours is similar. It IS expensive.

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