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DUI & Traffic Violations Multiple States Drivers License Compact

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What is the name of your state? MI
All these questions about DUI, and multiple states, well here it is:

Driver License Compact (DLC) is an interstate compact used by States of the United States to exchange information concerning license suspensions and traffic violations of non-residents and forward them to the state where they are licensed known as the home state. Its theme is One Driver, One License, One Record. The home state would treat the offense as if it had been committed at home, applying home state laws to the out-of-state offense. The action taken would include, but not be limited to, points assessed on a minor offense such as speeding and suspension of license or a major violation such as DWI/DUI.A

All the states had to join, and agree to drop impaired down to .08. to keep getting the Federal Highway Money.

The National Driver Register (NDR) is a computerized database of information about drivers who have had their licenses revoked or suspended, or who have been convicted of serious traffic violations such as driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs. State motor vehicle agencies provide NDR with the names of individuals who have lost their privilege or who have been convicted of a serious traffic violation. When a person applies for a driver's license the state checks to see if the name is on the NDR file. If a person has been reported to the NDR as a problem driver, the license may be denied. More at http://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/departments/nrd-30/ncsa/NDR.html

You can run, you can dance, but you cannot hide! These are two separate entities designed to track all drivers across all 50 states. If the Compact does not get you, the NDR will. They both work together and they work well.

It is what it is, and they do not play around with this. If you get suspended or revoked, you are, in all states.

Does not matter when it gets back to your home state, and they will eventually catch up with you.

No matter what, they will get you, and hang you up. It may take some time, but they will. I have read so many stories where a DUI in one state does not show up in the home state for a while, months, sometime years, and the person thinks they are in the clear, then bam, the home state imposes sactions as if the offence had happened in the home state.

People who have moved to new states during this process have also gotten hit.

This is a real tricky process and should not be taken lightly, in this case, no news is usually bad news just wating for computer systems to catch up with each other.
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Senior Member
The post while informative and gratuitous is also incorrect in a number of areas.

The home state would treat the offense as if it had been committed at home, applying home state laws to the out-of-state offense. The action taken would include, but not be limited to, points assessed on a minor offense such as speeding and suspension of license or a major violation such as DWI/DUI.A
Actually there's no such requirement to "as if it had been committed at home" and while some states do that, many don't. The DLC is primarily there to administer the "one license" that handles making sure someone suspended/revoked in one state doesn't get a license in another.

The NVLC is what shares violation information. Again there's no "as if it had been committed at home" requirement there either.

All the states had to join, and agree to drop impaired down to .08. to keep getting the Federal Highway Money.
There is no federal mandate to join the NRVC or DLC. It's a cooperative program between the states and the feds have no hand in it. Neither one has a full 50 state membership. The .08 per se law was however added to the FY 2001 transportation appropriations bill, and all states have complied (Minnesota being the last one in 2005).
If you get suspended or revoked, you are, in all states.
You'll have to defer to the state laws on this. There is no federal standard.


The home state would treat the offense as if it had been committed at home, applying home state laws to the out-of-state offense. The action taken would include, but not be limited to, points assessed on a minor offense such as speeding and suspension of license or a major violation such as DWI/DUI.A
I can say for example..

Penn Dot Does NOT give points for minor traffic violation such as speeding if it happends in another state.
Gratuitous Indeed!

The net is full of information, and you are right, always check with your home state. Each home state does it differently.

Minor violations are one thing, DUI is a whole different ballgame. Nobody comes to this site for minor violations.

The only information you should ever rely on, is that information you trust, and have researched and confirmed yourself.

However, the bottom line is, the DLC, and the NDR will make sure caught in one state, means caught in all, and nobody gets away legally.

I have yet to see any posts on this site, from anybody, claiming to have gotten around those two systems, and is still driving legally in this country, after the DUI dance is started.

They all ask how, but they never come back and say, yea I did, and here is how I did it.

Do not find out the hard way, that these two systems do in fact work.
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Senior Member
Your warning to not trust everything is especially valid for anybody reading your posts.

While I'm not mitigating the magnitude of a DUI conviction or the resulting suspensions, as both I and PAguy have pointed out, you're wrong in general. I don't know what horse you're trying to beat with this unsolicited post other than you like to hear yourself talk, but it's hardly useful to those coming here looking for specific information. Yours is worse than they could get with 5 seconds of googling the word DUI followed by the name of their state.
Okay, I Stand Corrected, Now You Correct Me!

Those who come here have already done the research, and did not like what they found, so they come here, hoping to find an answer that suits them. They look for people in the same boat, a kindred spirit so to speak, in the hopes of finding that one story, that can help them get past, get around, or get through this DUI mess.

I put that up, cause that is what I found on the net, and thought it would at least give a little info to those in this situation. There are so many people who ask this type of the questions on this topic, and they are all looking for a little hope, a little light at the end of the tunnel.

There usually is not. It is a fight, and it is a roll of the dice, and most times, you will not win.

I do not post to hear myself talk, How can I hear myself talk, when I post an email, on a message board, and I do not even ride horses, they are too hard to paralell park.

Okay, I am wrong, now you tell us all, how to get around the DLC and the NDR. Tell us how you you and PAguy got around this. You know more then me, okay, tell us, educate us. Share your wisdom with us.

Then back it up, for those seeking "specific information" and offer to help any and all, who folllow your advice.

Take the risk and assume the liability. You do that, and post that thread, and that will be the most visited thread on this board. You will have helped so many people.

I still say, I have yet to see anbody post how they got around the DLC or the NDR. If they did, then why does this question keep popping up?

You knock me, well let us see, if you can back it up. Tell us how your posts, and your way is bettter.

Show us the way!

I do not think you can.
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Senior Member
You are about as thick as it comes. I didn't say you could "get around" the NDR or the DLC (provided you are in a state that honors it). I'm saying that the level of sanction that results form the information passed varies widely from state to state. It is quite possible that, for example, in the case of PA, that you'll finish your suspension before the wheels turn enough to get your license suspended in another state. I've seen it take nearly six months.
So Much For That Guy!

Never has an answer, but always has a mouth.

The home state will always get notified.

Like I said, the wheels may spin, but once you are suspended in one state, it will get back to the home state, and they will hit hard accordingly.

Only the home state can suspend or revoke a license.

The state you offended in, can say, you cannot drive in that state, but they cannot touch the home state license, why, they did not issue it.


You get popped DUI in OH, and you live in MI

OH cannot take your MI license, they can say, you cannot drive in OH, but they cannot take your MI license.

They did not issue it, they cannot control it.

That is why they send the info back to the home state MI.

MI will then deal with you, as if you offended in your home state.

Thus the reason for the DLC and the NDR.

The home state then pounds you, since they issued you the license, they can do whatever they want. They can suspend, revoke, whatever.

OH cannnot suspend or revoke a license they never issued!

Do you guys really think you can get a DUI in another state, and get off, cause you do not live there?

Do you really think, it could be that easy?

Think about it?

This guy rags me, knocks me, insults me.

Yet he has no real answer.

Again for Ron, who does not know what the hell he it talking about, and for the rest of you it is like this.


Again, do you all really think you can get a DUI in another state, and only get punished in that state, and all the other states are gonna let you keep driving?

The DLC and the NDR were set up to make sure that never happens.

Hey, only you can judge for sure!

Try it, and when they hit you again, come back and tell us, how you made out!

What a moron!
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Never has an answer, but always has a mouth.

The home state will always get notified, like I said before.

My post stands.

I am so surprised.

notifed of what?

dui or traffic minor violation?

I still stand by if I get a speeding ticket in another state othe than PA.. Penn Dot will do nothing...

if you don't belive it just go to penn dor web site..

now a DUi that is different...
Well You Said It

Nobody comes here for a speeding ticket now do they?

So what in the hell, was the point of your post? Go stand by your whatever, you will stand alone.

DUI is why they are here. Don't ya think?

Do you all really think your home states will just do nothing, cause all your speeding tickets happened in another state.

Does that make sense?

Each state also has a limit, on how long you can live there, before you have to give up your old home license and get a new one issued from your new home state.

If you do not.

They can pop you for not giving up your old license, and getting a new one, in the proper time frame.

If the old one is suspended, revoked, or what ever, the new state will not issue you a new one.

Many have moved, and then found out, that there is a hold on them, from the prior state, they just moved from.

Now they have to go all the way back, and clean up that mess, before they can get a DL, in their new home state.

Most cannot afford to do it, and they come here, looking for a way around it.

They never find that way.

Do not play with this, and do not assume, you can get off, cause you moved away, or the sanctions in the state you got caught in, are over, and all is well.


All the states are connected, and no matter what, they will hang you up, and hang you out.

Always assume the worst, and work from that. Think like the system, and not like a victim.

If you guys find a way to beat the system.

Come on back here, and tell us how you beat the system, again I have yet to see anybody come back here and tell us how to do it.

If they did, nobody would keep asking the same questions on multi state DUI's.

They all would have already beaten the system.

The point is, they never do.
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Do you all really think your home states will just do nothing, cause all your speeding tickets happened in another state.

Does that make sense?
Well yes it does....

for a non CDL holder in PA you get no points for minor infrations like speeding, running a stop sign ect. furth more it does not appear on your driving record in PA.

Please see below..

I personally never said anything about getting out of a DUI etc.. just minor traffic stuff..


you stated in your post that was not correct...

The home state would treat the offense as if it had been committed at home, applying home state laws to the out-of-state offense. The action taken would include, but not be limited to, points assessed on a minor offense such as speeding

This does not happen from the fact sheet you can see as plan as day on the link above.

thank you
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Junior Member
Questions about the above....

I posted this question before in my own thread, but your conversation above really hits on my subject matter. My BF has to go to court in AZ for a DUI. His license is issued by NJ. If I understand what you guys are debating, they will not take away his license in AZ. Instead, NJ will take it when they receive their notification from AZ? Until he is officially notfied by NJ, should he just continue to drive? Also, if the home state applies their own laws, will he lose his license for 7 months (NJ minimum) vs the three he would get if he lived in AZ? How and when does the suspension clock start ticking??

Thanks again for all your replies. I am learning way more than I want to know about DUI; the only thing I need to know is that I will NEVER let it happen to me!!

Ask Each State

The Compact and the NDR are tricky at best, to navigate.

If you google the Drivers License Compact, and the NDR, there is a host of information as I am sure you probably know by now. Some agree, some disagree, so the debate goes on.

I am by no means an expert, but I have done some research and only offer that I have found. Advice is just that, advice, and it is free.

The only advice I would trust, is that which I myself, have found to be true, or came from somebody I trust to really know, or that advice I get from the expert lawyer I am paying to advise me.

Use this site, as nothing more, then one more source of information, that enables you to gather more info, gain some confidence, and make the best possible choice that works for you.

That said, here is what I offer.

Each state will handle it differently, and by only researching each state, can you know for sure what to expect. Call each state DMV and ask them straight up, or call a lawyer that specializes in this type of deal, in each state and ask them. Most people do not, they are afraid to do that.

The shame, embarassment, and stigma of the DUI causes that, it is not logical, but it is understandable.


At a minumum, AZ could suspend or revoke his Privilage to drive in AZ on the spot. Note the word Privilage here.

Driving is viewed by all states, as a Privilage, not a right. You follow the rules of that state, they let you drive, you do not, they can yank your Privilage to drive in that state.

That does not refer to his NJ DL, AZ has honored his NJ License, and let him drive there, on that DL. They can yank that Privilage anytime they want.

AZ cannot control a DL they never issued. They can however control if you can drive or not drive on that DL, while you are driving in their state.

They then will send the info back to NJ, and the home state will take action. Only they can, since are the holder of the license to begin with.

Here is another way to look at it.

You screw up in grade school, and get in trouble.

The teacher can call your parents, drag them in, and then toss you in detention and punish you while you are in school, but they cannot ground you at home.

Only your mom and dad can to that.

Sounds silly, but that is what this all really comes down to.

Take care, and good luck.
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Junior Member
License in IL, DWI in WI, Moved to MN

I am so grateful to have found this place! I picked this forum because you guys seem to be very knowledgable and I saw a light at the end of the looong tunnel.

My story: I had just moved to the MN/WI border but on the WI side last September ('07) when I (stupidily) got a DWI. I was driving on my IL license. I know now (hind sight...) I should have went and got my WI license before I went to court- in that time period between you get arrested and are actually convicted...but (*sigh*), I did not. Now, as of this month, I just moved to the MN side due to my job.

My problem: Different Laws. I cannot get a worker's permit and I work in real estate which requires a great deal of driving. I have been having to get driven everywhere since December 3rd. WI (where I got my DWI) gave me rules to comply by to get my license back on August 3rd of this year. I paid my fines, went to my classes, and the Victim Impact class. As I stand, I should be good to get my license back on August 3rd... in WI, it would seem.
However, when I went to get a working permit in WI, they would not give me one since my licence in IL was revoked (because of this DWI).
I called IL and they said they do not release licenses for a year (not 8 months as WI does) so I cannot get my license back until December 3rd. I
now live in MN. I do not know what they will do, but I am guessing it will be the same deal. It is extremely difficult and I know I lost my privledge to drive for something I chose to take the risk of doing in a state of mind under the influence, which was also my choice, and believe me, I pay dearly every day I have to be dropped off at a client meeting, get a ride to and from work and everything else. I may lose my job over this if I can't get at least a worker's permit soon. I have no family here and am ever so grateful I met someone shortly before the DWI who totes me around everywhere. Otherwise, I probabily literally would have ended up in the dog house over this one DWI.

Background: This is my one and only ticket EVER- in over 20 years of driving (except for the 8 mph over speeding ticket I got pulled over for along with the DWI.)

Can anyone guide me on where I can go or what I can do?

Thank you so much,


Queen Bee
Nobody comes here for a speeding ticket now do they?
Yes actually they do. There is a portion of this forum specifically for speeding.

DUI is why they are here. Don't ya think?
In this portion of the forum.

Each state also has a limit, on how long you can live there, before you have to give up your old home license and get a new one issued from your new home state.

If you do not.

They can pop you for not giving up your old license, and getting a new one, in the proper time frame.

No they cannot POP you. they can ticket you. Give you a citation. But in no state can they shoot you if you do not get a new license.

If the old one is suspended, revoked, or what ever, the new state will not issue you a new one.
Full faith and credit clause. The Constitution. Maybe you have heard of it.
Many have moved, and then found out, that there is a hold on them, from the prior state, they just moved from.

Now they have to go all the way back, and clean up that mess, before they can get a DL, in their new home state.
Ummm. Okay.

Most cannot afford to do it, and they come here, looking for a way around it.

the law is the law.

They never find that way.

Do not play with this, and do not assume, you can get off, cause you moved away, or the sanctions in the state you got caught in, are over, and all is well.
Who is saying that anyone can "get off" cause you move?


All the states are connected, and no matter what, they will hang you up, and hang you out.
Actually not necessarily true.

Always assume the worst, and work from that. Think like the system, and not like a victim.
Pessimist at heart aren't you?

If you guys find a way to beat the system.
That is not even an entire thought.

Come on back here, and tell us how you beat the system, again I have yet to see anybody come back here and tell us how to do it.
Because it is not about beating the system. It is about making the "system" work for you.

If they did, nobody would keep asking the same questions on multi state DUI's.

They all would have already beaten the system.
Oh. Okay. NOT!
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